CSS Essay writing is considered the most difficult task to complete. But, my suggested approach will lead you towards the improvements.


"Get rid of Useless Rituals of the Past, They do nothing but hinder Progress" - Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

Assassination has become a practice all around including Pakistan. Assassination attempts have occurred in Pakistan many times; in fact, the country has endured many losses of favorite leaders over the years. However, according to historical events, Pakistan continues to bear the burden of assassination. On the other hand, in order to move past the dark days of leader assassinations, it is necessary to comprehend the causes of those losses through an analysis of historical events that occurred.

Therefore, historical events related to the successful assassination attempt in Pakistan will be analysed. Except for Imran Khan, almost all assassination attempts against the Renault person's leader in Pakistan were successful. The assassination attempt on former prime minister Imran Khan at the Azadi March rally will be evaluated as part of the historical events. The reasons why such well-known leaders in the nation of the people in the country were targeted for assassination will also be covered in the paper.

Additionally, the paper will offer recommendations for the state or government to limit or control attempts to escalate the situation while damaging Pakistan's reputation among major world powers. 

Historical Events of Assassination Attempts in Pakistan

It is a bitter reality that a nation's citizens lost the leaders to whom they had grown attached or were drawn because of their ideologies. Also, it is about having a bad reputation in the world for causing Pakistan to experience poor social and economic conditions, which makes it difficult for outsiders to trust the nation and make investments in business or labour.

There has been the assassination of two prime ministers in Pakistan. Therefore, it is necessary to pursue strategies that will help the government reduce attacks on its leaders and move toward a nation with better rules and laws. Imran Khan, a former prime minister of Pakistan, was shot in the shin on Thursday during an attack on his anti-government protest convoy in the country's east, which his aides claimed was an obvious assassination attempt.

Liaquat Ali Khan

Political uprisings and coups have occurred in Pakistan before. After the 1947 Indian partition, Liaquat Ali Khan, Pakistan's first prime minister, is shot and killed in Rawalpindi during a political rally. and then in 1958 - Governor-General Iskander Mirza imposes martial law with General Ayub Khan serving as its principal enforcer in Pakistan's first military coup. Later, Ayub Khan takes over as president, dismissing Mirza, who is sent into exile.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto came into politics in 1970 and was hanged in 1979 following a contentious conviction for planning to assassinate Zia ul-Haq. President Mohammad Zia ul-Haq of the military government died in 1988 when the Hercules C-130 carrying him crashed under mysterious circumstances. According to conspiracy theories, a case of mangoes loaded onto the aircraft just before takeoff contained a timer device that released gas, rendering the cockpit crew unconscious.

Pervaiz Musharaf

Pervez Musharraf, a former head of the army, took control in a bloodless coup in 1999. In June 2001, he takes the oath of office as president and head of state. Benazir Bhutto's husband Asif Ali Zardari succeeds him as president after he steps down in 2008.

Benazir Bhutto

Benazir Bhutto, a two-time prime minister, was killed in a bomb and gun attack in 2007 while attending an election rally in Rawalpindi. She survived a suicide bombing assassination attempt in Karachi a few months before she passes away, which is one of the deadliest attacks in the nation with at least 139 fatalities.

Major Reasons

Fight against Different Ideologies 

The historical events made it clear that all attackers were motivated by those who supported the leaders because of their ideologies. In order for the people of the following words to move towards any kind of freedom fight or to fight for their rights to live in a country. It is a strategy that they must be feared, for the attempt seen at the leaders is so painful.

It's also crucial to realise that not all political parties or other organisations participate in ideological contrasts with one another. However, there may be opposing groups who do not adhere to the ideology and who should murder the victim in order to demoralise the adherents of the strategy or ideology.

Non-serious Behavior to Protect Human Rights

Since protecting people's lives falls under the purview of the state. But both political and economic conditions are constantly uncertain in Pakistan. Therefore, in stable political environments, people have been divided into various groups, some of which adhere to the ideologies of one political party, some of which do not, and the remainder of which do.

There is a need for a state in which the foundation of the government's policy should be the equal rights of all citizens, irrespective of their affiliation with any political party. Similarly, their educational ratio should be raised so that people learn to respect one another's right to free speech rather than responding in kind.

Threat to Freedom of Speech

The general understanding is that ideas or opinions can change depending on ideology and that doing so is not a big deal. Instead, it is advantageous to have a variety of viewpoints on a given topic in order to advance societal prosperity. Consequently, rather than treating it as a personal matter and criticising the individual. Realizing the value of having diverse viewpoints and working to advance society while a member is crucial.

(You can give an example of the assassination of journalist Arshad Sharif over freedom of speech- It will reflect you have good information and knowledge of current affairs in CSS).

Further Reading: https://inphobuzz.blogspot.com/2022/10/assassination-of-journalist-arshad.html

Giving Examples of Incidents is very crucial to get higher marks in CSS- Put the examples wherever suitable-

Suggested Solution

Protection of Human Rights
  • Protest - Freedom of Speech

 The protection of human rights is Pakistan's main issue. There has been a threat to the freedom of speech for each individual citizen living in the country, according to an analysis of the country's current situation and its historical events. In order for citizens to express their opinions about a particular political party or ideology, it is now essential for the government to put into action strategies that can guarantee the protection of human rights, particularly freedom of speech. The blasphemy law is frequently used in Pakistan to restrict the freedom of speech which needs to be changed.

  • Dialogues

Given the current state of the world, violence and conflict are never solutions for anyone. It is clear from the current state of affairs in Russia and Ukraine that a military solution is not an option. Even after witnessing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the India-Kashmir dispute, there is a need to engage in dialogue to improve communication and find a solution for both parties.

Related Reading: https://inphobuzz.blogspot.com/2022/10/this-war-of-mine-game-of-survival-or.html

It goes without saying that one side is always stronger than the other in any fight or conflict. Therefore, requesting police assistance is not the best course of action. There is a requirement to find a solution through dialogue in order to improve understanding and secure national rights. The factors must be taken into consideration when the dispute begins to resolve.


In conclusion, Pakistan has suffered many losses this year as a result of the loss of its leaders. The country has suffered losses in its political and economic conditions. since there have been significant factors like lack of speech freedom and knowledge of the political parties' ideologies. As a result, nations experience political instability, which in turn causes serious problems with the economy and public safety.

In order to guarantee the protection of the citizens' human rights in the nation, it is necessary to pursue an understanding of the problems that reflect the solutions that have been proposed. It is only possible when the state recognises the importance of the public's right to free speech and encourages dialogue rather than adversarial interactions.

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