Google Adsense Ads is a dream of every blogger to get approved within a short period of time. There are different reasons for not getting the approval.

Google Adsense Ads on Blogger

This article is based on very basic information about the steps involved in blogging and getting approved for Google AdSense Ads. There are numerous posts that explain what blogging is all about or how to write articles and then apply for Google absence approval to make money while relaxing at home. However, the majority of the information is based on the opinions expressed by experts about blogging. When I started writing articles and looked up blogging, I realised that the average person has no idea what blogging is.

You actually search for the term Blogging because you want to make money through Google AdSense Ads 

Additionally, the layperson who wishes to comprehend Google Adsense, he or she needs very basic knowledge. You're wondering where to put the inquiry and how to get the go-ahead. It is very important, but it requires a common language rather than the expertise of an expert. With answers to your questions along the way, I'll guide you through the process of reading this article.

What is Blogging?

You may have heard that some people make money from various blogs or websites. Let me first make it clear that websites and blogging are different and not the same. A website is a platform that offers many options if you want to make money online and you understand that you can write a little or willing to learn to write an article or any other content piece that is useful for the readers. However, blogging relies on a limited number of ways to create content and make it accessible to readers.

How to start blogging?

Writing content is all that blogging is, and you can start on any of the available platforms. The platform I use the most is Google Blogger, followed by WordPress, Wix, Weebly, and Medium. These platforms offer bloggers free blogging services. You can begin creating your own theme for your blog and write the articles you want your readers to read.

"The most important thing that you must keep in mind is that once you are moving towards blogging it is important to choose a subject for the field area where you are going to write the content about"-

It is a good idea for those who want to start a blog and then hire a staff of content writers to do so. They may be able to access the various viewpoints of authors who specialize in a particular topic or idea. when I am discussing a specific topic or concept. It implies that your website should focus on a specific topic, such as business, science, current events, news, product reviews, or any other.

Further Reading: 

You cannot blog while writing about multiple topics at once, for example, publishing an article based on political news on one particular day. However, on the other day, you are reviewing products, and on the third day, you are giving the history of the specific nation or person.

What I've discovered is that the Google search engine functions in such a way that, whenever a blog or website is launched, it first determines what will be provided to the readers.

How Google Rank Blog Posts?

Google will decide to rank the website or to suggest it to readers based solely on the premise that the particular blogger's website will provide specific information regarding the specific subject or field. This is because readers can also find other relevant materials or content pieces on the website. Google Adsense Ads approval is also based on the quality and well-represented content piece.

Here, you can see what I mean when I say to use just one field because it will let search engines recommend your blogger's website for the related material. So, it will also include additional information that is pertinent to that particular field, which will enable the reader to scroll and move to a different section of the menu.

How much time Google takes for AdSense approval?

When you have begun to move toward the blogging settings, for example using Google Blogger, you should move toward the beginning of your business. You're probably thinking about Google AdSense Ads right now; this is something that every blogger considers even before they launch their blogs. Few writers actually pursue blogging because it is their personal passion and they do not receive compensation from readers or advertising.

You simply want to start making money as soon as you publish an article in order to get Google to approve Google AdSense Ads. Over excitement is a mistake here! However, it is obviously not working at that time, and you are left with a lot of questions like: Where should I go? How should I apply for approval? Will I get approval? How long will it take? What kinds of articles should I publish to get approval? How many articles should there be to get approval?

All of these thoughts crossed my mind when I first started blogging. Even though I still haven't received approval, I understand Google's strategy, which can inspire other content writers to join them on their blogging journey. They can proceed with completing their work successfully without any uncertainty or demotivating thoughts that they won't receive Google approval.

Why Google does not approve AdSense on websites or blogs?

Google considers you when you have readers who use the Google search engine, and then Google will consider approving your AdSense application. It's crucial to realise that even with a large audience, which I experienced when I shared the articles on various platforms. I even had loyal readers who valued my blog's work. There is quality educational material. I'm still working to provide users with high-quality answers to their questions as well as other fascinating or connected political and economic issues.

But still, I was not able to get the approval of Google AdSense Ads.

So, should I stop writing? Of course No!

I went there to conduct some research and analysis on how Google's search engine handles Google AdSense Ads approval. I finally realised that Google AdSense is not dependent on the manual labor performed by their staff or employees. Instead, there is an algorithm in use, and their algorithm bots analyse your website or blog and judge it based on the number of readers or the attention you receive from Google or any other search engine, rather than the links you have shared with others.

Additionally, advice from other bloggers who are struggling to make money off their blogs was given to work day and night on a blog with no expectation of earning money for at least three to four months. Therefore, a website can have an adequate amount of content to attract readers or keep their attention.

To be completely honest, Google is always ready to approve Google Adsense Ads for your blog or website. Google doesn't have any of its own content; instead, it uses your content to generate revenue through ads, so this is the only way it can make money. However, some users still do not receive an approval even after waiting months, while other users do so within a week.

There are a plethora of reasons why Google rejects AdSense support. The main reason why it's important to have content when starting a blog or website is so that Google will consider placing ads on it because it offers readers something to engage them.

Why it is Difficult to get Google Adsense Ads Approval? 

Here, I'm going to tell you the most exciting thing about Google: even after you've published more than 20 articles, promoted them on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, sent them to other people via email, and attracted readers, Google still refuses to approve your AdSense account.

It is difficult to get Google to approve your Adsense application if your website does not have the ideal layout settings, including custom text and other Google-approved settings. To accomplish this, you can read the blog's settings to obtain Google approval. In this way, you can understand the settings option as a blog that you can own and Google will recognize that you can actually operate the blog while changing or modifying the settings.

then you need to understand that a blog is not just based on a single or two posts of 300 to 500 words every now and then. A blog post on Google Blogger must have a minimum of 300 words. However, it is crucial that the article's word count exceed 700 in order for Google or any other search engine to read the content and find the user's question that was posted on the search engine's website.

You must implement this methodical website and content modification if you want to apply for Adsense approval. It implies that you must consistently work on the back end for close to two to three months before you can hope to receive Google AdSense approval.

How Google can approve AdSense fast?

Even if you are watching a blogger on YouTube who claims to be receiving quick approval for Google Adsense Ads, there is no way that Google can approve AdSense fast. No, it is never the case for bloggers like ourselves who started their journey from nothing. rather, it is the months' worth of work they put into getting Google AdSense approved.

The main reason Google won't approve your Adsense application is that it doesn't trust you. Google wants to know that you are the owner of the blogger website, first and foremost. Google partially rejects your AdSense application. However, when you submit the request, Google sends you a query to modify a few settings, such as the site map and other items, so that Google can recognize that you are the true owner of the blog or website and comprehend the settings to operate it effectively.

When Google recognises your effort to follow its instructions and make the necessary changes, it gains more trust in your ability to work and understand the content of your website.

Should I wait for the AdSense approval even after 2-3 months?

Yes, you are allowed to wait months to receive AdSense approval. You may have come across individuals who received Google AdSense Ads approval in less than a month while you were still waiting despite having more trustworthy or high-quality content. Those users in my case have published more than 20 pieces of content on Google, but I still haven't received Google approval. It's not because your work or content is subpar.

However, as I already mentioned, Google is developing an algorithm that has a queue of users waiting to be approved by Google AdSense. Once your blog is online, Google analyses it to provide you with another query. However, the second time you apply, it takes much longer because there are so many more people waiting in line for Google AdSense approval. You might get your number after 15 or 20 days.

In order for Google to automatically place ads on your published content pieces whenever it determines that your website is suitable or ready for the Google AdSense program, you must choose the Google AdSense Ads setting that allows for auto ads on Google Blogger. You must first hone your content writing abilities and concepts in order to publish high-quality articles on topics that are interesting to readers and helpful to them without worrying about receiving their approval. because, after some time, you will undoubtedly receive approval.