Customer Services in Hospitality Industry - Introduction


The management of the hospitality industry is the report's primary focus of analysis. In this regard, the report will cover the function of counters and service in order to understand what customer service is and how important it is in the hospitality sector. To understand the significance of providing visitors with valuable services, an activity theory of service encounter will be used. Naturally, for any nation to attract significant tourism, it is crucial to develop a stronger hospitality sector. Therefore, it is crucial to keep an eye out for the elements that are crucial to creating a better system and offering the visitor better services.

As a result, the study will describe how service encounters can be shared with the management of the hospitality industry. Management of the hospitality sector is crucial to a nation's economy in order to maximise its tourism business. In this regard, it is important to understand how better services can affect visitors and increase their confidence to visit the nation.

In the meantime, a service encounter model will be published in the article to show how the right guest services can improve the outcome. Gaining the trust and loyalty of the clientele requires excellent customer service. Therefore, it is crucial to create an environment based on green practises in order to provide the visitor a better sense of safety and security. To improve the guest experience, hospitality management must prioritise environmental management, which will be covered in the study.

To comprehend the significance of the model and the green practises by the hospitality management, a model of green practises will also be presented in the article. In order to understand the effect or impact of the integrated technology in the hotel business, the paper will also be included in a critical examination of that sector. Due to the fact that every activity has both positive and bad aspects, it is crucial to monitor how integrated technology is used in the hospitality sector. Analyses of the gas's loyalty will also be conducted using green practices. It is significant because it has a significant impact on how effectively the business and hospitality industries operate. 

Role of service encounters

The purpose of a service encounter is to evaluate and comprehend service effectiveness, especially in the hospitality sector. The operations of the hospitality sector have two goals. The first step is to give the customer better customer service in order to earn their loyalty. In this context, the term "service encounter" refers to the act of meeting a customer's need or demand. A service encounter is a meeting with a customer, typically during which they are asked to demonstrate satisfaction by providing feedback.

In this regard, the management of the hospitality sector should consider the operations to meet the needs and demands of the valued customers. Management in the hospitality sector will have the opportunity to fulfil requests and win over customers during the service interaction. This means that customers will try to convince the .suppliers about their needs

Characteristics of a Satisfied Customer

Satisfaction of customer lies on the five characteristics in the service to be included:

  • Service level:  the staff's inability to give valued customers personalised service in the hotel business
  • Service availability:  To inform customers of the availability of various services, there should be variation in the menu card as well as the service's opening and closing times.
  • Standard: In addition to staffing in the management to handle that, it will also include the decor and the calibre of the food.
  • Services reliability:  Service should be consistent and based on quality standards to give each valued client the best possible care.
  • Service flexibility:  Depending on customer demand, it would include the option of the variations.

Activity theory

The framework for the service encounter is activity theory. In particular, a service encounter is defined as providing the right services over the phone or in person.


To provide guests with trustworthy information anytime they required a place to stay or services, the hospitality industry has included centres in its hotels. Therefore, activity theory for counter is presenting the idea that the primary goal of service encounter is to build a better and valuable interaction with the consumers to tell them of any information they are requesting.

Service encounters shape Hospitality Management

Without a doubt, customer service interactions may improve hospitality management. This is because engaging with customers begins with providing them with excellent customer service. Any call centre conversation with a customer that provides them with useful information and makes them feel good about staying at the hotel is valuable. Because of this, if the quality of the service is higher when a customer interacts with the hotel, it will undoubtedly draw more guests.

It is crucial for visitors from any other region or country to have faith in the local hotels. In this regard, it would be possible for the consumer to develop trust and go toward the hotel if the administration of the hotel and hospitality business is dependable. When a customer calls a representative of the hospitality sector, it's crucial to establish trust and ensure that the customer knows they will receive reliable services.

Service Encounter Model - Guest Experience through Environmental Management

One of the largest and fastest-growing industries in the world is the hospitality sector. The hospitality business is experiencing a significant expansion as a result of increased technological development. The hotel business is under a great deal of pressure and duty to ensure that their clients are getting superior services. The guests get access to a lot of natural environment in this regard.

In this regard, it is the duty of the hospitality industry to protect the environment and make it practical for travellers. The environment is crucial in luring and gratifying guests. Making sure that there is enough water and other resources available for the customers in this situation is crucial.

Green Practices Model

There is no denying that the success or failure of the hotel sector depends more on the quality of the guest experience (Moscardo., 2019). Therefore, it is crucial for the government to enforce such regulations on the hospitality sector so that they can give guests a better experience. Visitors are significantly impacted by a green environment or green practices. To show that they are taking a major environmental responsibility in this instance, hotels should rely on green practices.

Because of this, it is the management of the hotel's responsibility to make sure that waste and other energy sources are used responsibly and in an efficient manner. Hotels may achieve higher environmental sustainability by using green solutions. It incorporates building design to reduce pollution and create a better ecosystem.

Therefore, in order to draw in the majority of guests, hospitality management is currently focused on green building designs. Additionally, water should be conserved to reduce drainage. It will eventually have a positive effect on the visitor's experience. When a visitor has a positive and wonderful experience, they will ultimately recommend the area to other people. Today, the majority of the world's nations are working to improve their hospitality industries in order to draw in more tourists from all over the world.

However, it can only happen if the tourism sector is able to offer visitors a green environment through green practices. Of course, happy consumers can draw in the majority of other customers with their positive experiences and remarks about the services they received. One could argue that happy customers are better because they will encourage other customers or visitors to come and receive quality services.

Critical analysis of effects of Integrated Technologies in Hospitality Industry

The hospitality sector must use technology to improve tourist experiences in today's cutthroat business environment. However, it is not true that the hospitality business will gain from the adoption of integrated technology. Additionally, the fact that most people there have different demands and that there is variation in the demand, as well as the fact that each visitor has a different demand, can work against the hospitality industry.


The use of robots in hotel systems has the potential to annoy guests. There are those who refuse to accept any assistance from robots. There are those who would rather interact with human staff members than machines. In this way, if the hotel staff uses robots and they are not happy and comfortable with the use of robots, it will eventually work against the hotel. There are businessmen who are tired of being stuck with the machinery stuff.

However, some people are advocating the use of robots to obtain quick and dependable services. In the sense that it represents the use of contemporary technology and the calibre of service, many people are acting as robots.

Impact on Operations, Revenue Management, and Distribution System

The use of technology in the hospitality sector might have a significant impact on the business in that it will be disturbed by the opinions and ideas of various clients. Through the management, a visitor can discourage the employment of robots. Additionally, there is a possibility that any usage of machinery or a robot could deceive the customer's information. Any visitor who places an incorrect or badly managed order may eventually have an impact on the hotel's level of service. Furthermore, if the hotel's operations depend on the use of robots, the quality of the service will eventually suffer if a robot goes down.


The adoption of Wi-Fi in hotels is another illustration of how technology is becoming integrated. The majority of the hospitality sector provides visitors with the ability to use Wi-Fi in hotels. In this regard, if the Wi-Fi is not functioning for any reason, it will eventually have an impact on business activities. Once more, the operations' negative effects will result in lower sales.

Once more, there is a revenue and distribution system notion that the hotel management will need to pay attention to in order to make a profit and improve the hotel's distribution system. If there is no such Wi-Fi available for even a half-hour, it can have a negative impact on the visitor's experience even too early. The use of mobile communication is very prevalent in hotels. And rather than using jammers inside the hotel, hotel management will be responsible for ensuring that the Signals are available. Without a doubt, they must have been installed or put in place for the guest's safety precautions, but once more, the requirement for the use of

Additionally, Smart Room Keys or Room Cards can be used to enter the room if the cards or keys are not functioning. Once more, if the room keys have any technological flaws, the hotel's reputation for kindness will be impacted. It can be argued that integrated technology can significantly contribute to improving the reputation of the hospitality sector. But once more, it is the duty of the hospitality sector to enhance its reputation through better operations and achieve maximum profitability through an improved hotel distribution system.

Impact on Loyalty of Guests

Customer loyalty has a part in improving a business's image and generating income. Sadly, business management is currently preoccupied with developing corporate operations that rely on the usage of digital technology and quality services. The provision of and use of digital technology and services has been the sole focus of the concept of quality services. Understanding customer demand and needs is important in order to provide high-quality service, which goes beyond the use of digital technology and industry standards.

Every customer is not expected to use digital technology or expect the same level of care, and some customers prefer to speak with a friendly hotel employee in order to discuss their needs before booking a stay. The management should take into account the various client viewpoints and shades. A visitor comes to the location not only to take use of the hotel's upgraded digital technology, but also for the moral support they hope to receive from the employees. In the end, it will lead to the customer's loyalty as a result of their satisfaction with the hotel staff's services. 

A hotel employee can only offer better services when they comprehend the guest's need. To enable the staff understand that understanding the nature and wants of the customer goes beyond simply utilising new technical systems in the hotel, training sessions should be held in this regard. The majority of customers today complain that management staff do not listen to them and that they only provide services that are disguised as modern technology and services.

Customer loyalty has a significant impact on the hotel business because every nation is working hard to draw in significant numbers of tourists from across the globe. But the nation that recognises the requirements of each visitor will triumph. Every visitor comes from a different culture and country, thus it is the duty of the hospitality sector and management of a certain establishment to grasp what the customer's needs and demands are while respecting their beliefs. Customer loyalty will increase income for businesses in the hotel sector.

Additionally, the number of loyal customers will increase as a result of their recommendations to friends and family to stay at a specific hotel in a specific nation. As a result, it is crucial to comprehend the moral principles of the client and provide them with better services that are based on the usage of digital technology in order to gain the better impression of goodwill in the eyes of the client. However, they are not solely attributable to the misuse of contemporary technology and a lack of moral awareness.

In conclusion, it is now obvious that it is necessary to comprehend the value and necessity of service quality. The paper discussed the value of high-quality customer service in fostering visitors' and guests' trust. In this regard, the paper provides characteristics to comprehend how service quality can be managed to provide better services to the tourist or guest in the hotel activity theory to comprehend that in particular customers for visitors are there to obtain trust and better services from the hotel's staff.

The article also discussed how customer service interactions might improve hospitality management. There was a model in the study that showed how guests or customers can receive satisfied services through hotel or hospitality operations. In a similar vein, the article covered the expertise of the equipment that can affect how the distribution system operates. The need of using a better environment built on green practises is stressed in this study.

The significance of the visitor experience and the requirement to be involved in creating a green environment, which is based on energy and water conservation to give a better environment, were discussed in the paper. The research further suggested that separate containers should be used for waste products in order to prevent them from affecting visitors' experiences abroad and the environment of the nation. The green practises model was used in the paper to help readers understand how environmental and economic challenges can be overcome, and how doing so will have a positive impact on visitors. Without a doubt, it will boost revenue generation and improve visitor safety.

Critical analysis of how integrated technology affects the hospitality sector and management is also provided. It is done to be aware of how technology may affect the visitor experience. In this viewpoint, it was recognised that integrated technology, if improperly managed, can actually be a negative manager. Similarly, the article provided information to help readers comprehend the notion of stopping, as well as the influence on operation revenue and the distribution network. In order to comprehend how a gas can react, the research concludes by describing how using a green environment and integrated technology has an impact on the loyalty of the gas.

The study concludes by suggesting that not every client visit requires the use of digital technology. Of course, there are customers who are morally upright and want to receive satisfactory service from the employees. Therefore, it is essential to comprehend each customer using effective tactics.


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