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The majority of MNCs are American businesses (multi-national corporations). However, a lot of people think that Americans are not well-suited to help a company integrate into a non-American culture. The majority of MNCs are American businesses (multi-national corporations). However, a lot of people think that Americans are not well-suited to help a company integrate into a non-American culture.

Describe the features of American culture that would prevent having empathy for and understanding another culture.

Main Characteristics of American Culture

Geographical Size

Because of the size of the geographical area, Americans do not worry about the culture. Different communities have different cultural values. However, the society does not enjoy the love of various other cultures. Americans find it challenging to support other cultures because of the diversity in the nation.

Religion is not a Powerful Social Custom

The social norms and humanistic values that underpin American society. However, despite its reputation as a strong social custom, religion does not play a significant part in forming American society.

Difference in Language and Practices

Language is where society differs most. As a result of linguistic and cultural differences, it is challenging for Americans to work in or enter a new non-American market. The handshake and eye contact are cultural norms among Americans. As a result, it is considered extremely impolite to avoid eye contact during conversation. However, it is not necessary for other cultures around the world to conduct business, nor is it part of their culture.

On the other hand, in some cultures, maintaining constant eye contact is seen as rude. In America, the distinctive cultural identity is not given the same consideration; instead, upholding the stated standards and values is the main priority. However, in order to succeed in business operations abroad, it is critical to have familiarity and connections with other cultures. 

Explain the Uppsala model and how it assists organisations to expand globally.

Uppsala Model


Johnson and Wiedersheim-Paul and Johnson and Vahlne, two Swedish researchers, produced the Uppsala model for internationalisation in 1975 and 1977, respectively. The idea is based on an incremental, sequential approach to internationalisation. The model is renowned for how businesses approach the internationalisation process. According to the model, there isn't a lot of data or information available for the international market.

Assistance for Organizations

Consequently, it is detrimental to entry on a global scale. In the model, it is advised to first establish operations and a reputation in the domestic or local market before expanding the business internationally.

The Uppsala model has been singled out among four business expansion strategies; Stage 1: Irregular exports with sporadic exports Stage 2: Exports through unaffiliated agents Stage 3: Create a subsidiary for international sales Stage 4: Quality-based manufacturing facilities for export.

The model also emphasises four key ideas: commitment to the market, market knowledge, commitment choices, and market activities. Understanding the established chain is essential for carrying out operations and growing the business. Once a business has achieved local market success, it must then concentrate on its core principles and work on its internationalisation process in order to expand with assurance.


Even though many MNCs promote and adhere to strict social responsibility standards in their home countries, they are frequently less conscientious when it comes to "host" or foreign countries. The Bhopal disaster in Madhya Pradesh, India, claimed 3,787 lives and affected an additional 558,125 people in 1984. The company in question was Union Carbide, which is primarily owned by Americans. The Chairman and other top executives were found guilty by Indian courts of "...causing death by negligence."

Why do you think Union Carbide's negligence policies were less strict in India than they were in the USA?

Union Carbide – Less Stringent Policy

When 45 tonnes of gas methyl isocyanate escaped from a Union Carbide Company plant in the United States, the Bhopal disaster occurred. For the businesses or organisations that support the plants based on the harmful chemicals employed. The investigation of the metal reveals that the safety procedures and operating standard at the plant were not the main things to follow and guarantee the safe environment. It is important to maintain the standards to operate it successfully.

both from the perspective of the company's employees and of the carbide corporation. But according to the reports, there have been complaints and rages from the workers over the dhep dangerous position at the plant. However, the management did nothing about it, and some of the workers' negligence as well as that of the management played a major role in the disastrous events that occurred.

What is the way to fix this situation? Explain whether it is legislation or cultural change from MNCs that is required?

Changes on Both Cultural and Legislation Level was Required

There was a need for safety recommendations on both the level of culture and legislation because the incident resulted in the deaths of more than 3000 people and there was a chance that the Bhopal spill could have been avoided. In order to guarantee the workers' safety on the job, the organisation needed to work on standards and responsibilities. It was also the management's duty to work in an environment where the management was expected to be concerned about staff training in order to alter the corporate culture and create a safe workplace.

Only when the company's leadership in India was concerned about people's safety was working in a safe environment possible. There were two International Labor organisations present, along with the workers' complaint and supporting documentation. Additionally, an international confederation of free trade unions was involved in causing the incident to occur due to the company's management's lax policies and reckless behaviour.

The worst industrial accident might have been avoided if company officials had paid attention to the seriousness of the situation. However, little to no action was taken to address the issue that caused the disastrous historical event.


In the last 20 years, communication has undergone a revolution. Executives can now communicate with offshore subsidiaries in host countries around-the-clock using a variety of technologies. These executives frequently lack a thorough understanding of the area or the host nation's culture or social structure.

What are some of the typical problems that prevent understanding. To find the answer, use the communication model.


According to the interaction communication model, communication is a process where participants in different roles, like sender or receiver, have a unique "me" to generate a message to send or receive feedback with both physical and psychological context. Schrammin delivered it in 1997. Rather than viewing communication as a linear process This process is two-way. However, the communication becomes more interactive with the use of a model to demonstrate feedback, which calls for the inclusion of messages that allow the recipient to respond to the sender.

Similar to this, when there is an organisation where exactive to do not have the understanding of the various cultures and Societies of the country, there is an emphasis on communication. As a result, communicating with the management of the staff there becomes a significant challenge. Additionally, there is a problem with the way that the leadership of the organisation or business is biassed, making it impossible for them to coordinate their relationships with customers, which will have a detrimental effect on the company's goodwill. The model suggests that two-way communication with feedback is necessary.

Therefore, exactives working in a different cultural society should have better communication with management. To ensure a stronger customer relationship with the business, coordination and communication with the customers should also be made. When a customer is unable to relate to an organisation in a genuine way and must settle for merely purchasing goods or services, it will cause a significant loss to the company's goodwill or reputation.

Due to the ease of communication, executives in head offices have also been able to override the decisions made by managing executives in host countries and impose their own decision-making processes on them. Comment on whether you think this is good or bad for the MNC.

ANSWER ii): 

Truly, it is detrimental for organisations to decide whether certain branches should operate in the host nation or not. The branches are a part of various societies and cultures. As a result, decisions and rules cannot be based on a society's or culture's values. Strategic planning and decision-making should be based on the unique culture and society of the region in which the business is located.

There is no question that the host nation has independent laws and government. However, there cannot be any government intervention from the host country to influence business operations in another country. However, the free style of management is necessary. However, a lot of businesses adhere to Hofstede's cultural model. According to the focus of the leadership, formal regulations and decision-making must be adhered to.

However, there is a need to implement various business and cultural strategies in order to operate outside of the host nation. People in Europe and Asia, for instance, have different tastes in food. Therefore, the menus served in Europe cannot be served in Asian nations like China and India.


Consider that you are a strategic planning consultant who has been asked to help a business assess its entry strategy for a new country. What are the parameters you would look at?


Keeping in mind the company's current situation is crucial as it works to expand into a new nation and become more globally competitive. However, once a nation has the assurance to remain competitive in a given market, it should engage in strategic planning. However, as a strategic planning consultant, it is necessary to perform a SWOT analysis in order to comprehend the country's opportunities, threats, and strengths.

Without an analysis of the company's current situation, it is impossible to determine whether it will remain sustainable in the new nation. Analysis of the culture and societal norms of the nation in which the business will operate is necessary. The management of the staff must be present as well in order for the show to succeed. But all of this can be accomplished through strategic planning, which is based on a SWOT analysis, where the opportunity section can provide the best advice for a company looking to expand into a new market.


A successful national business frequently has to make a big decision when deciding to become an MNC. What steps can a company take before launching a wholly owned home office operation in a host nation?                            


The team's ability to implement these strategies and move the company toward sustainability depends on the owner's confidence and commitment. Investor confidence is crucial for any business in order to sustain itself over the long term. Therefore, it is crucial to go through the stages of financial analysis in order for a business to pass the operation surveyor in a host country and have complete confidence to expand or enter in another country.

In order to understand investments in the financial institution and obtain the interest of profitability on the investment, the liquidity coverage ratio must be analysed. Similar to this, a leverage ratio analysis should be performed to comprehend the position of the company's assets and to have a percentage aur a show below 50 of 40% to support confidence. It is crucial to feel secure about the company's financial situation. To meet the witnesses' immediate financial obligations, it's critical to have a 2:1 ratio of assets to liabilities. Therefore, keeping the assets is necessary to ensure the long-term viability of the company.


Nestle, a multinational corporation (MNC) with headquarters in Switzerland that manufactures and distributes food and beverage products, was accused of 'hooking' African mothers onto the use of infant formula powdered milk for their infants rather than mothers' breast milk in the 1970s. Many babies died because the powder had to be mixed with dirty African water.

The Nestle organisation in Africa was divided into separate departments for product, marketing, and sales. It was a stand-alone company. Therefore, the infant powdered milk was being "mis-sold" and "mis-represented," which resulted in dead African babies, but the sales and product executives in Switzerland were unaware of this. Many commentators held that the African company's organisational design, which lacked Swiss oversight, was to blame.

It is fair to say that Nestle made significant and profound changes to its governance structure after this event.   

Describe what you think might have been missing from Nestle Africa's operations. Did they create a dangerous product to fill a fictitious need?


The Nestle and Africa case made it abundantly clear that the decision by the company to produce milk in powder form for infants was not a mistake. Contrarily, there were instances where children were given impure, harmful water that shouldn't have been consumed by infants. So, this explains why Nestle powdered milk caused the majority of infant deaths in Africa.

However, what was being questioned was not the truth regarding the Nestle's safety and security. However, there was a pretty big lie about the water that was used in Africa to feed the babies on the other side. Such a dangerous product was not created by Nestle. However, Nestle products have a strong reputation and are popular worldwide. Thus, in the case of Africa, the predict was safe, but the water was unsafe to use, which was in no way the nestle's fault.

Think about whether Nestle deserves blame for establishing an unsupervised, independent subsidiary in Africa. Describe the structure that you believe would be more suitable. Consider the requirement for reliable product support from a well-equipped head office.

ANSWER ii): 

It is Nestle's duty to produce products that are safe for all of its customers worldwide. Nestle is a multinational corporation that provides consumers with a variety of goods that are related to various food categories and staples. On the other hand, Nestle products explicitly state that safe water must be used and that the original, natural mother milk cannot be substituted. This means that it is not the corporation's responsibility to provide consumers with safe water so that they can use the product.

To have better consumer awareness, particularly in places like Africa where there are uneducated people who would not be aware of their own health issues, it is necessary to have a well-resourced Nestle head office where strategic planning should be done going forward.