Climate change is no longer limited to the present weather conditions. It's more of a sign or a crucial signal for us. The world is preoccupied with it as "climate change," but it appears to go much further than that.

It is kind of a Signal that the World must Understand.

We need to understand the lesson that nature is trying to teach us.

We cannot now distance ourselves while claiming some areas of the world in the name of independence. Maybe such messages would also have been given to Ancient Buried Civilizations- 

We need Mutual Dependence.

We need each other.


Look at the images; we cannot live in such conditions. They are life-threatening. What else has been left behind? We must come forward and assist one another. And, wait a minute, such situations necessitate more than just a helping hand, such as tossing bread or a blanket to those in need. It requires both physical and moral assistance.

  • Why we cannot have a break from the affected area for a while? 
  • Why even after having so much technological advancement don't have a place to live temporarily if our own area is vulnerable?
We have ideas to go for insurance plans for the families. But, what insurance plan we as a nation are making for such disasters? 
We have the poem "This is your area, live or die" - "This is my area, I Live or die".

I can recall,

The monsoon in Asia was disastrous. It rendered almost the entire population of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and other countries homeless and foodless.

People were sleeping on the streets, which was an eye-opening experience for me. There was constant heavy rain everywhere, resulting in horrific flooding in the rivers. Since then, it has been indicated that we have no space to live on Earth due to the presence of water up to 4 feet deep.

I am following the worst conditions in the United States, specifically in New York and Buffalo, via an online platform. I've been watching and reading about the worst winter storm in American history, which has claimed nearly 70 lives.

You cannot exactly give the number when you don't have access to people. right?

According to what I can see about the situation in Saudi Arabia right now, Macca City is also experiencing unusually heavy rain, submerging the religious city.

The story does not end here, Then i took my mobile, started YouTube, and saw the videos from Spain about the heavy rainfall and snow.

The same is true in Canada and Ontario.

Is this a normal climate change, and do we just need to talk about weather forecasts?

It is not!

We must not repeat the mistakes of ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Moen-jo-daro, Harrapa, and others. Nature leads you to a point where you are only concerned and somewhere where you are overconfident, possibly informing others about the area.

However, anything can happen. Those who had great technology to build pyramids, seals, and other unusual things were buried because of this overconfident attitude.

There is a severe storm almost everywhere in Europe, and the COVID-19 new variant Omicron has arrived in China and India. We cannot survive on our own.

World leaders must communicate with one another in order to find a common solution to such disasters and fight them together; otherwise, we will only lose, as the death toll from the storm continues to rise. It rose as a result of the heavy rain. It increased due to COVID-19 last year. It's just that we were only thinking about ourselves individually. It was due to the fact that we did not plan to work and live together.

Now is the time to realize the signals of nature.

It is now linked to nature rather than just the weather. It is hitting every corner of the world.

Maybe world-rich people have the option of flying to another planet. But what about all of us? Are we worthless enough to die?

We must be aware that our leaders must have plans in place for us.

There can be "Host and Guest" strategic planning around the globe. If one area has the worst conditions, people can be housed in other areas. It will eventually stop the death toll and increase reliance on each other.

There must be a policy like this to live a better life and have a peaceful, not horrible, death.