Life is unpredictably unpredictable. We are easily frustrated and angry for no apparent reason. Even though we know we shouldn't, we do. We become aware of negative events in our lives and react to them immediately. Sometimes we become so frustrated that we react violently to those around us.

However, you may have noticed that the person who is reactive is the one who is very close to us. Having a close relationship does not imply having family members or any other personal loved ones.

It could be a professional relationship with someone with whom we are very comfortable talking. It is understandable that we do not file a complaint for larger issues or problems that we are aware of, but we become frustrated or angry over minor issues.

It is critical to understand that life is not constant and that it is based on the various emotions we experience throughout the day.

There are times in our lives when we are overly emotional and sensitive. This is not the time to focus solely on overcoming depression or anything else. However, there are times when we have depressive thoughts for no apparent reason or even after experiencing minor inconveniences.

Believe it or not, it is not your fault.

Believe it or not, It is not anyone else's fault.

There are times in our lives when we actually feel insecure for many reasons, and the major reason is our emotions.

whenever you become aware of your insecurity and lack of safety and security in a relationship. It does not imply that anything is wrong with the relationship, but rather that your emotions are not with you and you are feeling both lonely and sensitive.

In the meantime, you really need someone who is mature enough to understand your feelings and react in a certain way.

But if you don't have that person in your life and you are actually frustrated and angry in your personal and professional relationships, then you are actually having a negative impact on the relationships.

Then what should we do?

What you need to do at this time, when you are frustrated and it is not in your control, is not to talk too much. It means you actually control the expression.

Believe me, you cannot control the emotions you are feeling, so you cannot stop yourself from thinking insecurely, feeling lonely, and taking your frustration out on others.

STOP Expressing!

You have to stop yourself from expressing these feelings.

If you are reading this to actually get the solution, then remember that the only solution is to stop your expression. You cannot control your feelings or emotions.

Even if you try to control your emotions or feelings, they will erupt and work against you. But what you must do is accept your feelings of loneliness and insecurity for whatever reason you are unaware of.

Now what you have to do is stop expressing yourself to others, even though your mind gives you the logic of being 100% authentic to be against the person because he or she is not treating you well or not listening to you.

Understand that this time will pass too.

But it is in your hands whether you can make a mess or you can actually stop yourself from expressing this and let the other person realize your feelings with silence and not being violent and greedy-

frustration becomes violence for the other person, and it makes the other person realize that every time they come to talk to them, they are already having a list of complaints and arguments.

There is a very important question that must be in your mind that you may have tried to control, but again you become frustrated and violent, forget the person, and it is actually making the relationship bad.

The simple solution is,

Be Silent!

Believe me, this technique of becoming silent will give you magical results. If you become silent, you will give the other person space to realize your sadness. They will realize they left you lonely and sad because you felt isolated! 

Let them realize.

I know it is really hard to do because when you are frustrated, you are actually not looking for anything negative; all you need is love.

The other person will never understand this unless and until he or she is mature enough.

You have to recognize your feelings and frustrating expressions. You must understand that you have to go silent for a while to make yourself happy and healthy. In the meantime, what you need to do is busy yourself with other things.

This is tough again.

It is hard, but not impossible. You give yourself the sign that you do not have any other option but to be silent and do the other chores. You act like you are not allowed to talk about this.