Critical analysis of the Effectiveness of Marketing Tools for Nokia


Nokia, a Finnish company, is well known for being the pioneer of the modern mobile phone. Nokia has been off course for years because it hasn't used marketing tools to their full potential to understand user needs. To compete against Samsung, Google, and other major rivals like the iPhone, Nokia must employ effective product development and marketing techniques.

SWOT Analysis for Nokia


  • §  142 years of experience to provide customers with reliable mobile phones (Neokleous., 2020)
  • §  Nokia is remembered for being a user-friendly mobile phone and it is the first mobile for many users.
  • §  Durable to date
  • §  Nokia has the largest network of distribution across the countries
  • §  Strong customer relation
  • §  Long battery life
  • §  Wide range of products based on every class



  • ·         Now the E series of Nokia has been a big flop where the users did not appreciate buying the E series (Schwarz., 2019).
  • ·         Due to its low voice quality heavyset and less stylish
  • ·         Management of Nokia is unable to decide according to the competitiveness in the market or demand of the users like other competitors are doing a such a is iPhone or Samsung



  • ·         Mini notebooks for the users to attract them to new growth markets
  • ·         Stylish mobile phones
  • ·         Strategy to attract many users




  • ·         iPhone, Google, and Samsung are the threats to wipe out the products of Nokia
  • ·         It is challenging for Nokia to go into the market and compete
  • ·         A wide range of cheap mobile phones brands can also be a big threat for the Nokia

PESTLE Analysis for Nokia

Political Factors

Finland, a country in Europe and the home of Nokia, is where it is based (Panigrahi., 2020). However, the lack of support from the Finnish government has forced Nokia into an uneasy alliance with Microsoft. Due to its location in a small nation, Nokia does not enjoy the same level of government support. On the other hand, high-cost production is caused by political unrest in China, a country that specialises in manufacturing and production.

Economic Factors

Economic variables in the recent past Nokia has been adversely affected by the economic crisis in Europe, which has severely hurt the company and reduced its purchasing power in the domestic market. Nokia has experienced difficulty. Thus, it is evident that Nokia's management does not possess a research and development capability comparable to that of Google, Samsung, or Apple.

Social Factors


Nokia's choice to go with the Microsoft Windows phone rather than releasing an Android phone is the main factor in the sales of Nokia products being restricted. Due to applications like WhatsApp, people are increasingly drawn to Android phones today because they can run both Apple's proprietary iOS system and Google's Android operating system.

Technological factors


Nokia has been releasing mobile phones for years without using more powerful R&D capabilities. As a result, it shows that management lacks a more effective plan for incorporating technology into the products.

Legal factors


In the European Union, Nokia is active. Due to these extremely difficult legal issues, Nokia is affected. Google recently encountered a significant legal issue that might force Gmail to be disabled on Android, which could have an impact on Google's popularity (CALANOG., 2019). Given that the government offers no stronger support, Nokia may face the same difficulties.

Environmental factors


Nokia has operations in the European Union. Nokia is impacted by these extremely complex legal issues. A significant legal issue that Google recently faced that might require Gmail to be disabled on Android could have an effect on Google's popularity (CALANOG., 2019). Given that the government doesn't provide Nokia with any more assistance, it might experience the same issues.

 The Future analysis based on Current Marketing Tools


Nokia has experienced significant difficulties in the market for mobile phones. The marketing strategy for the products must be drastically changed if they are to draw in customers and remain in the market. The lack of a strong strategy from Nokia at this point indicates that the company will never be able to compete as a major force in the mobile phone market.           

Recommended Product Promotion Strategies for Nokia

Product promotion through Social Media


Making the strategies for the product's promotion on social media is Nokia's management's top priority. In order to draw in the majority of users, it is also necessary to incorporate new technology. Why Nokia is not launching its advertising campaign and luring users with social media is a mystery. Most generations, young and old, use social media to stay informed or be entertained. In this way, the decision to pursue product promotion through social media by Nokia management is advantageous and has the potential to be successful.

Technological Advancement


Again, in this case, technological advancement is required because consumers are looking for high-quality Android smartphones that are affordable. Nokia can choose to produce mobile phones at a high cost for the general public and sell them for a reasonable price. When Nokia regains the market, it can gradually increase its brand's reputation. Later, it may also result in a price increase and a product with more advanced technology.

Strategy to Attract Customers and Retain Market

As a result, Nokia needs to use platforms like YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and others to inform people about the new, low-cost Nokia product launches. To draw users, new technological developments are necessary. In order to switch to Nokia, they can stop using Apple or Samsung. It will be a fantastic chance for Nokia to seize the market and regain the public's trust.


As a result of Nokia's poor marketing tool usage, the company is no longer in the running. The management must pursue the efficient use of social media to launch marketing campaigns and entice consumers to purchase Nokia. Similar to this, there is a critical need for technological advancement to produce high-quality android.



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