For us, it is common to suggest to each other while making any decisions - Hey, think out of the box!

"Thinking outside the box" is the most ridiculous narrative I have ever encountered. Any person who upholds the labels of a particular society will also have those tags impact on their decision-making.

It is impossible for a person to think outside the box if they are not aware of themselves for what they are. It does not mean that you must refrain from participating in cultural activities or distance yourself from cultural values. No, it's just that you must understand yourself- The person you are is not any culture, society, or assigned identity (Tag).

If you are born a prince, then you can merely act as a prince unless you realize the true soul-

If you are born poor, then you might have the attitude and characteristics better than a prince-

Recognizing yourself matters the most where you can think logically and reasonably without having tags!

If, on the other hand, you are the type of person who blindly follows social pressure and cultural norms and values, your decision-making will be influenced by the personality trait you acquired. When a person is free of social pressure to have certain tags and judgmental comments then that person can actually think perfectly-

Think out of the box means you have to stay in the box but you are allowed to just jump upside and think for a while and then come back-

Even known psychologists and motivators suggest thinking out of the box- they have never realized why we should reside in the box.

Even if your feet hurt, you can't wear chappals because of your social standing. You could be a celebrity, a celebrity's child, or a business magnate. If you believe that, yes, you have high standards, but it is acceptable to wear chappals. However, if you only consider what your body requires right now, without regard for being judged or anything else, you are living outside the box.

It will be much easier for you if I give you examples in the three boxes. There are three types of boxes available: one for Asians, one for Europeans, and one for Africans. As a result, whenever I encounter any situations or issues, I will need to consider the box I am placed in. 

For example, if I belong to the Asian category, I must solve the problem while keeping in mind society's values and norms, as well as my Asian identity; I cannot make the decision in such a way that it expresses being African or European because my decision-making must tell the world that I am an Asian.

Similarly, we live in a society where we have other boxes that we have distributed ourselves, such as if I am a chief executive somewhere, it will be embarrassing for me to cook at home and feed my family with my own cooking; if I am a dignified person, my dignity will only be demonstrated if I have a servant and quality crockery at home. It's because I'm not being myself, but rather fitting myself and representing myself in a box, and I can't think outside the box.

After hearing this phrase so many times, I realise I'm not thinking outside the box when it comes to problem-solving or activity performance. Since then, a question has persisted in my mind about why I am not the type of person who always tends to think but does not have a specific idea in my mind to think outside the box. 

So I realised that whenever I make this type of decision so that any of the problems can be solved, then I do not perceive myself as a person who has ideas based on the influence of society, cultural norms, or anything else. Instead, I always use my mind from any perspective without fear of failure.

So, those who truly want to understand why they need to think outside the box must first recognise that there is no such thing as a box in one's life. However, we have been classified into various categories based on our identification and affiliation with various cultural backgrounds, religious norms, and other factors that arise when we make decisions for ourselves or others. 

For me, the situation was different because I can be rude and critical of things as well as myself; thus, I have always been the person who asked questions before doing anything or adhering to any cultural norms or religious activities.

Whatever you do, you must have a record and a sense of trust in that thing or situation; trust is required when you have practiced a certain ritual norm or any other activity that you are doing because doing something out of obedience to something will eventually influence your decision-making while doing anything.

It is a wonderful feeling to be with something or someone who can have a better connection with you because if you put yourself in a box by having a particular identity, then you will never have a better connection with them. As a result, I have always valued people, even animals and plants, and everything around me. I also have a connection with everything that I perceive to have positive vibes for me.

It basically moves towards the fear of being judged, but I have opened myself to this fear and never get tired of being judged. Because I know who I am for myself and the rest of the world. As a result, if you separate yourself from all cultural values that are not part of your identity, you will have great respect for every social norm.

But you will never relate yourself to this single norm of your area but you will experience everything. It is because your decision-making for any problem or anything else will be based on your own. It is better to live outside the box than to think outside the box.