Emotions are Real but Hard for Everyone to Understand  - It's called Maturity and You will NEVER find it in everyone

We all experience times when we feel completely lonely, even when surrounded by friends and family. Furthermore, we are sometimes unable to share our emotions with those we love and trust the most. It is never because we think they are bad or wrong in some way. But it's because we've realised they don't get us. You reach a point where you realise that even revealing your emotions will cause you pain.

Instead of getting help, you will be judged!

When we have this feeling, we usually start fighting with those we care about. However, this approach is counterproductive. It aggravates the situation. You promise yourself thousands of times not to share your emotions, but you always fail.

Your limit is reached because you are constantly plagued by the unpleasant sensation of being lonely and knowing that no one cares or understands.

Now is the time for you to understand yourself. You have a sensitive nature towards relationships-

You have a relationship issue, maybe. You want the relationship to work the way you want. Everyone actually wants this care but we sometimes overdo-

Yes, it is a harsh reality. But realise with a deep breath that no one is your slave. This thought will help you have inner peace because you accept it

You have to do this. I know you can lose. I know your emotions will sometimes pop up. It is because something your loved one will say will make you burst into tears.

However, the real solution to the problem is to "keep quiet."

Even if you don't like the other's narrative. you disagree. According to you, they are wrong.

Don't react!

This is the only way you can heal yourself.

If you step back and look at the scene. You will only see suffering on your side.

No one cares because no one is wounded.

You are screaming because you are wounded.

Okay, now, you want healing and help from them.

They are not ready. right?

Now what?

Will you keep fighting for negative comments or feedback?

It will make them frustrated and irritated

Take a break for a while.

If you live together, then stop reacting. It will be like swallowing something you hate because you will be provoked many times. But, stay silent, react like nothing happens and you are okay. You might look sad but your inner healing will only be possible if you act normal or healed for a while-

For the psychological issue, this is a good formula to act fine when you are not so that once your mind deletes bad thoughts or memory, you will feel good but without any guilt. Because you were silent--- Now you get my point?

Believe it,

After a few days, you will thank yourself for your silence.

Stay sad, but avoid fighting and frustration.

Look sad, but don't cry so hard that it hurts you back.

Stay silent and focus on yourself - see how you get provoked and stop responding angrily.