Introduction: In the realm of knowledge production, replicability has always been an important concept. Replicability refers to the ability to reproduce the same results or findings through repeated experiments or studies. In this TOK essay, we will explore whether replicability is necessary in the production of knowledge.

Body Paragraph 1: One argument for the necessity of replicability in knowledge production is that it ensures the reliability of the results. Replicability allows for independent verification of findings, which increases confidence in the validity of the knowledge (Faria & González-Monteagudo 2020, p 404). This is particularly important in fields such as medicine and science, where the results of studies can have serious consequences for human health and wellbeing. Without replicability, it would be difficult to distinguish between valid and invalid findings, and the potential for misinformation and harm would increase (Poirier 2019, p. 5).

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Body Paragraph 2: On the other hand, some argue that replicability may not always be necessary for knowledge production. In certain fields, such as the arts or humanities, replicability may not be possible or desirable (Lacey 2018, p. 3). For example, a work of art or literature may not be able to be replicated in the same way that a scientific experiment can be replicated. In these fields, the focus may be on interpretation and subjective experience rather than objective replication.

Body Paragraph 3: Moreover, there are some instances where replicability may actually hinder the production of knowledge (Nosek & Bar-Anan, 2012, p. 5). For example, in the study of complex social phenomena such as human behavior or culture, replicability may not always be possible due to the unique and ever-changing nature of these phenomena. In these cases, the focus may be on generating new and unique insights rather than replicating existing findings.

Counterargument: Some may argue that without replicability, knowledge production would be unreliable and subjective (Kelland 2018, p. 4). They may point out that replicability ensures that findings are consistent and can be verified by multiple researchers, which is essential for building a body of knowledge that is objective and reliable.

Conclusion: In conclusion, while replicability is an important concept in knowledge production, its necessity may depend on the field of study and the research question being investigated. In some cases, replicability may be essential for ensuring the reliability of findings, while in other cases, it may not be possible or desirable. It is important to carefully consider the role of replicability in each individual case to ensure that the knowledge produced is both reliable and valuable.


  1. Faria, M. A., & González-Monteagudo, J. (2020). Replicability and transparency in empirical psychology: A commentary on the recent debate. Journal of Psychology, 154(5), 403-408.
  2. Kelland, K. (2018). No replication needed: Controversial study on violent video games is correct, researcher says. Reuters. Retrieved from
  3. Lacey, N. (2018). Is replicability a necessary condition for knowledge? Philosophy Now, 126, 16-18.
  4. Nosek, B. A., & Bar-Anan, Y. (2012). Scientific utopia II. Restructuring incentives and practices to promote truth over publishability. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 7(6), 615-631.
  5. Poirier, P. (2019). Replicability crisis: What it means and what we can do about it. The Conversation. Retrieved from