Turkey is experiencing aftershocks after a massive earthquake. Everyone is searching for safe steps. I am writing this for your guidance so that if you need any guide for steps to be taken after the earthquake aftershocks. 

Aftershocks from an earthquake can be hazardous because they can worsen existing damage to structures that have already been weakened by the primary earthquake. Rock slides, landslides, and even new earthquakes can be sparked by aftershocks, increasing the danger of injury or death and the potential for additional hazards.

When aftershocks are stronger than the initial earthquake, it can result in more damage and an increased risk of collapse for already vulnerable buildings and structures. People who are inside or close to the damaged buildings may be at an increased risk of harm or death as a result of this. People who have already experienced the main earthquake may also experience emotional stress and trauma from aftershocks, which may make them fearful for their safety. Due to this, it may be challenging for people to safely evacuate or take other necessary safety precautions during an aftershock. Additionally, if the aftershocks occur in rapid succession and are of sufficient magnitude, they can lead to other kinds of damages such as landslides, liquefaction and tsunamis.

Steps to be taken during aftershocks

It is important to be prepared and know what to do during an aftershock to minimize the risk of injury and damage. This includes taking cover, evacuating safely, protecting yourself, and being prepared for further shaking. By following these steps, people can help reduce the risk of harm during aftershocks.

Smaller earthquakes known as aftershocks can further damage structures that have already been compromised by larger earthquakes. To reduce the risk of harm and property damage during aftershocks, it is crucial that people take the proper safety precautions. Following are some suggestions for what to do during aftershocks:

  1. Take Cover: Drop to the ground and hide under a desk or table if you're inside. Find a secure location to stand close to an interior wall, away from windows, heavy furniture, and other dangers, if there is no furniture nearby.

  2. Evacuate Safely: If you are outside, find a space that is open and far from structures, power lines, and other dangers. If it is unsafe to do so, do not try to leave a building during an aftershock.

  3. Protect Yourself: Stay low to the ground and cover your head and neck with your arms to protect yourself from falling debris.

  4. Be Prepared for Further Shaking: Aftershocks can be unpredictable and can occur at any time. Be prepared for further shaking and continue to take cover until the aftershock has passed.

  5. Check for Injuries and Damage: After the aftershock has passed, check yourself and others for injuries. Report any injuries to the appropriate authorities and seek medical attention if necessary. If you are in a damaged building, evacuate immediately and report the damage to the appropriate authorities.

It is important to remember that aftershocks can occur suddenly and without warning, so it is important to be prepared and know what to do to protect yourself. By following these steps, people can help reduce the risk of injury and damage during aftershocks.