Table of Contents

Introduction. 3

Background of the Study. 3

Significance of the Study. 4

The rationale behind the study. 5

Research Gap Identification. 6

Research Questions. 6

Research Objectives. 7

Proposed Methodology. 7

References. 8




Green recruitment practices have become the important aspect in contemporary organizational strategies particularly to context of the United Kingdom. There has been a growing recognition of the need for businesses to get environmentally sustainable practices, not only to mitigate their ecological footprint but also to improve their competitive positioning in the market (Muisyo et al., 2022). However, it is a fact that there is a growing need to have sustainability for recruitment domain.

There is a gap in the existing literature that has specific impacts of green hiring initiatives on job search dynamics and employer branding strategies. This gap in this research highlights the importance to have the further understanding for green hiring initiatives influence candidate perceptions and employer or organizational reputation. It is essential to understand this for businesses looking to attract top talent and differentiate themselves in a competitive job market.

Since investigating the effects of green hiring initiatives on candidate behavior and organizational outcomes is important and also companies can better tailor their recruitment strategies to be with their sustainability goals. This research can also shed light on the potential benefits for having the link with environmental practices in HR practices beyond compliance instead there should be proper strategies.

Background of the Study

The concept of green recruitment is the integration of strategies and initiatives which aim in promoting environmental sustainability for talent acquisition process has gained increasing attention to have a better organizational contexts (Puncheva-Michelotti, Hudson & Jin, 2018). These initiatives have different practices starting from the adoption of eco-friendly technologies for recruitment processes to the implementation of sustainability-focused employer branding campaigns.

Organizations for different industries in the UK have started to recognize the strategic importance while incorporating green principles because sustainbility has the great importance to consider for the employees to work in an effective work place. Research will definitely have potential benefits for green recruitment practices. For instance, Khan and Muktar (2020) found that green recruitment have the positive impact on job and attractive for students with organizational attractiveness having this relationship. Alshaabani, Naz, and Rudnák (2021) demonstrated the impact of green HR practices on green work engagement where there are renewable energy departments that give the importance of environmental initiatives for fostering employee commitment.

Adriana et al. (2020) studied to have role of green HRM practices in promoting employee green behavior at workplace in any of the organisation to have sustainability-focused HR strategies. However major work has been done but still notable gap in the literature regarding the direct implications of green recruitment practices for job seekers' perceptions and organizational brand image.

While existing studies have shed for understanding relationship between green HRM practices and organizational outcomes such as employee engagement and environmental sustainability (Jehan et al., 2020; Mukherjee et al., 2020), few have specifically focused on the impact of green recruitment on job seeker idea or their hope to have the better environment at workplace and organizational attractiveness.

Thus, there is a need for comprehensive research that examines the specific effects of green recruitment initiatives on job search dynamics and employer brand image in the UK context. The research is important and it can provide important understanding for effectiveness of green recruitment strategies in attracting talent and improve organizational sustainability efforts. Such research can inform organizational practices by identifying key factors that contribute to the success of green recruitment to promote the better environment at the workplace.

Significance of the Study

The research is based on understanding the gap to have significant implications for both theoretical understanding and practical application for Human Resource Management and employer branding. There is a relationship between green recruitment practices, job search dynamics and employer brand perception since this study is based to contribute information to the existing body of literature on sustainability in HRM (Muisyo et al., 2022).

The findings of this research endeavor are poised to offer practical guidance to organizations in the UK based on leverage green recruitment strategies to attract top talent and improving their environmental credibility for prospective employees so that they can confidently work in the organisation.

Besides understanding the impact of green recruitment practices on employer branding can help organizations to analyze and review HR strategies with their sustainability goals since it ultimately leading to a more attractive and competitive employer image. This study aims to bridge the gap between environmental initiatives and human resource management. Also it is providing a comprehensive understanding of how organizations can ensure or obtain sustainability in their recruitment processes effectively.

The rationale behind the study

Green recruitment is also known as eco-friendly or sustainable recruitment and refers to the practice of integrating environmental sustainability principles to the talent acquisition process in organizations (Muisyo et al., 2022). This approach encompasses various strategies aimed at promoting environmentally responsible practices such as reducing carbon emissions, conserving natural resource and minimizing waste generation.

Green recruitment is actually a response to growing concerns about climate change and environmental degradation, reflecting a broader societal shift towards sustainability in business operations (Puncheva-Michelotti, Hudson & Jin, 2018).  Green recruitment is being asked to be part of organizational context in the today's world and it is driven by increasing awareness of the need for businesses to go for environmentally conscious practices. Organizations in different industries are recognizing the strategic importance of incorporating green principles in their recruitment strategies to have sustainability goals and enhance their environmental credibility.

Green recruitment initiatives encompass range of activities including promoting energy-efficient products, implementing waste management programs and support renewable energy projects. Previous studies have examined different aspects for recruitment practices and employer branding and it has the value for factors influencing job seekers' perceptions and organizational attractiveness. However, there remains a notable gap in the literature regarding the direct relationship between green hiring initiatives and their impact on job search dynamics and employer brand perception (Muisyo et al., 2022).

Some studies have explored the effects of environmental sustainability on organizational attractiveness and employee engagement but also few have specifically focused on the influence of green recruitment practices so that they can attract job seekers.

Research Gap Identification

The specific research gap identified for literature is lack of comprehensive studies on the direct influence of green recruitment practices on job search dynamics and employer branding in the UK. No doubt, there is an increasing importance of sustainability in recruitment process to attract the employees so that they can become part of the organisation. There is limited empirical evidence to have effectiveness of green hiring initiatives in attracting job seekers and enhancing the employer brand image which is important to consider.

Moreover, existing studies predominantly focus on broader organizational sustainability practices rather than specifically examining the impact of green recruitment strategies for talent acquisition and organsiations will have the branding. The statistical data provided online over Office for National Statistics ONS and it highlights the significant growth for green jobs across the UK between 2015 and 2020. The number of full-time equivalent FTE green jobs increased by nearly 4% thus reaching peak of over 545,000 in 2018 (Office for National Statistics, 2024).

This growth gives increasing importance of sustainability in the labor market and analyzing need for organizations to prioritize environmentally responsible recruitment practices, which will increase their reputation. However, the prevalence of green jobs is there, but there is a paucity of research examining the specific influence of green recruitment initiatives on job seekers' perceptions and organizational branding in the UK context.

Research Questions

1.      How do green recruitment practices, such as promoting energy-efficient products and waste management initiatives, inpact on job seekers for their perceptions of organizational attractiveness in the UK?

2.      What is the impact of green hiring initiatives on job search dynamics, including applicant attraction and motivation in the UK labor market?

3.      How do green recruitment strategies contribute to improve employer brand image and reputation in organizations operating in the UK?

Research Objectives

1.      To investigate the relationship between specific green recruitment practices, such as energy-efficient product promotion and waste management initiative and job seekers' perceptions of organizational attractiveness in the UK.

2.      To examine the effects of green hiring initiatives on job search dynamics, including applicant attraction and motivation in the UK labor market.

3.      To assess the contribution of green recruitment strategies to improve employer brand image and reputation for organizations operating in the UK.


The methodology for the research is based on using the primary data through questionnaire. As a result, the analysis will be done using SPSS regression analysis. Moreover, to check the responses authenticity, the analysis will check reliability of the questionnaire responses through Cronbach alpha value to be more than 0.7. For the research, around 200 respondents will be approached in order to get the adequate number of respondents. The data will be collected using both online and on-site respondents particularly from those who have experience doing the job with satisfied or unsatisfied experience. For the research, personal information will not be as required and if revealed by any participant, it will be kept confidential to maintain ethical consideration.




Jamal, T., Zahid, M., Martins, J. M., Mata, M. N., Rahman, H. U., & Mata, P. N. (2021). Perceived green human resource management practices and corporate sustainability: Multigroup analysis and major industries perspectives. Sustainability13(6), 3045.

Ajadi, T. H., Adewumi, S. A., & Ntshangase, B. A. (2022). Green Recruitment Practices and Employees’ Green Behaviour in the eThekwini Municipality of South Africa. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review5(6), 290-304.

Malik, S. Y., Cao, Y., Mughal, Y. H., Kundi, G. M., Mughal, M. H., & Ramayah, T. (2020). Pathways towards sustainability in organizations: Empirical evidence on the role of green human resource management practices and green intellectual capital. Sustainability12(8), 3228.

Khan, M. H., & Noorizwan Muktar, S. (2020). Mediating role of organizational attractiveness on the relationship between green recruitment and job pursuit intention among students of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Cogent Business & Management7(1), 1832811.

Alshaabani, A., Naz, F., & Rudnák, I. (2021). Impact of green human resources practices on green work engagement in the renewable energy departments. International Business Research14(6), 44.

Adriana, L. T. D., Fahira, K. T., Nailissa’adah, M., & El Maula, H. (2020, May). A review the important of green human resource management practices toward employee green behaviour in organization. In Journal of international conference proceedings (Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 124-135).

Jehan, Y., Hussai, D., Batool, M., & Imran, M. (2020). Effect of green human resource management practices on environmental sustainability. International Journal of Human Capital in Urban Management5(2).

Mukherjee, S., Bhattacharjee, S., Paul, N., & Banerjee, U. (2020). Assessing green human resource management practices in higher educational institute. TEST Engineering & Management82.


Table of Contents

Introduction. 3

Importance of Green Recruitment in UK.. 3

Research Gap Identification. 4

Research Questions and Objectives. 4

Conceptual Framework. 4

Definition and Components of Green Recruitment Practices. 4

Theoretical Perspectives on Organizational Attractiveness and Employer Branding. 5

Job Search Dynamics and Applicant Attraction Theories. 5

Green Recruitment Practices and Organizational Attractiveness. 5

Impact of Energy-efficient Product Promotion. 5

Influence of Waste Management Initiatives. 6

Green Hiring Initiatives and Job Search Dynamics. 7

Applicant Attraction Mechanisms. 7

Motivation Factors in Green Recruitment 7

Green Recruitment Strategies and Employer Brand Image. 8

Employer Branding in Context of Sustainability. 8

Case Studies and Examples of Successful Green Employer Branding. 9

Empirical Studies on Green Recruitment Practices in UK.. 10

Review of Existing Literature. 10

Identification of Research Gaps. 10

Conclusion and Future Directions. 11

Summary of Key Findings. 11

Implications for Theory and Practice. 11

Recommendations for Future Research. 12




Green recruitment methods refer to a range of strategy and programs that companies use to draw in and keep talent that cares for the environment. According to Malik et al. (2020), some examples of these activities are marketing energy-efficient goods, have waste management plans in action, and integrating sustainability in hiring process. To attract environmentally conscious applicants, companies should, for example highlight inir job ads and recruitment materials their dedication for environmental sustainability (Adjei-Bamfo et al., 2020).

Importance of Green Recruitment in UK

Growing awareness of environmental issues and sustainability concerns has led in major increase in importance of green recruitment in United Kingdom. Companies under pressure to implement environmentally conscious practices in order to satisfy stakeholders such as consumers, worker and investors as well as to comply to legislation (Malik et al., 2020). According to Adjei-Bamfo et al. (2020), green recruitment permits firms to better match their values with those of prospective workers who place high priority on environmental sustainability.

Source: green recruitment in UK from (Office for National Statistics, 2023).

There has been an increasing focus in recent years on the value of green jobs and sustainable work practices in UK. Data show that employment in green jobs has increased significantly; projections predict that there will be actually more than 526,000 full-time equivalents FTE for 2020 up from 507,000 FTE in 2015 (Office for National Statistics, 2023). Even still just 25% of working individuals in the UK said that any portion to their employment is "green job," and only 4% said that the majority of their work involves green initiatives. Regional and gender differences were also apparent, to workers in Scotland and Wales more likely to characterize any aspect of their jobs as green than those in other countries and working men more likely than women to do so in UK (Office for National Statistics, 2023).

Further just three industries electricity, manufacturing, and transportation accounted for over 61% of all UK greenhouse gas GHG emissions for 2021 despite employing only 15% of the workforce (Office for National Statistics, 2023).This is in contrast to nearly half of UK employees who worked in industries that accounted for less than 1% of GHG emissions in the country. These numbers highlight the need in more investigation into the dynamics of green hiring practices across various sectors and geographical areas in order to comprehend how businesses can successfully incorporate sustainability in their hiring practices in order to solve environmental issues and advancing greener economy.

Research Gap Identification

Although green recruitment techniques are becoming more and more important since there is a noticeable lack of information for literature for how they affect the dynamics of job searches and employer branding in UK. There is little empirical data on the value of green employment programs in luring candidates and boost employer brand image; most research to date has been on more general organizational sustainability practices (Malik et al., 2020; Adjei-Bamfo et al., 2020). In order to close this knowledge gap and shed light for precise effects of green recruitment practices on job seekers' attitudes and organisational branding in UK, more study is required.

Research Questions and Objectives

1.      How do green recruitment practices, such as promoting energy-efficient products and waste management initiatives, impact job seekers' perceptions of organizational attractiveness in UK?

2.      What is the impact of green hiring initiatives on job search dynamics, including applicant attraction and motivation in UK labor market?

3.      How do green recruitment strategies contribute to improving employer brand image and reputation in organizations operating in UK?

Conceptual Framework

Definition and Components of Green Recruitment Practices

Green recruitment methods are a collection for strategy and programs designed to incorporate the ideas of environmental sustainability to hiring process. These strategies might involve have waste management plans in place, supporting energy-efficient good and have environmental principles in recruitment materials and job postings (Jamal et al., 2021). In addition to drawing in applicants who care for the environment, green recruitment entails matching corporate principles in sustainability objectives all along the way (Shah & Soomro, 2023).

Theoretical Perspectives on Organizational Attractiveness and Employer Branding

In context of green recruitment, theoretical frameworks like the Resource-Based View RBV and Social Exchange Theory SET provide light on the ideas of organizational attractiveness and employer branding. According to RBV, businesses may getting competitive edge in utilizing their special assets such as their dedication to environmental sustainability thus to draw and keep personnel (Jamal et al., 2021). Conversely SET asserts that people are driven to participate in actions that result in advantages and incentive including working for companies that have strong environmental mission and favorable employer brand (Shah & Soomro, 2023).

Job Search Dynamics and Applicant Attraction Theories

Theories of applicant attraction and job search dynamics provide understanding for how people approach the job market and choosing amongst possible employment prospects. According to the Theory of Planned action TPB people attitudes, subjective standard and perceived behavioral control all have an impact on their intentions to engage in an action actually such looking for a job (Shoaib et al., 2021). Job seekers may be more likely to explore possibilities to companies that share their values and providing appealing green recruitment practices in context of green recruitment (Jamal et al., 2021).

The link between corporate sustainability and green human resource management practices as well as their impact to organizational innovation and behavior, have all been studied in past. Research indicates that GHRM practices like eco-friendly policies and training program can boost company commitment and environmental performance (Shoaib et al., 2021). Also it is about demonstrating commitment to environmental sustainability since GHRM practices have been shown to be important in developing green corporate culture and promote employer branding (Shah & Soomro, 2023).

Green Recruitment Practices and Organizational Attractiveness

Impact of Energy-efficient Product Promotion

·         Consumer Perception and Organizational Image

The importance of green human resource management strategies for improving organizational environmental sustainability is highlighted by research by Jehan et al. (2020). Customers see companies more positively that integrate sustainability in operations and promoting energy-efficient products. An organization reputation and general image as an environmentally conscious institution are improved to favorable customer impression of its environmental activities. The favorable correlation between environmental sustainability and job seekers' evaluations of corporate attractiveness may have an impact.

·         Application to Job Seekers' Perceptions

According to Shoaib et al. (2021), job searchers are assessing possible employers based more and more for their environmental commitments. Job seekers who care for the environment find companies that actively promote energy-efficient goods and showing commitment to sustainability more appealing. The congruence of firm eco-friendly endeavors to environmental principles of job searchers amplifies the appeal of the organization and might impact their choice to seek employment to such enterprises.

Influence of Waste Management Initiatives

·         Environmental Consciousness and Organizational Appeal

Initiatives related to waste management are very important in determining how environmentally conscious and better firm is. Islam et al. (2020) address the obstacles to and potential solutions for integrating waste management and other green HRM practices in Bangladesh ready-made clothing sector. Businesses that put an emphasis on recycling, trash minimization and appropriate disposal techniques show that they care in sustainability of the environment. By demonstrating proactive attitude to determining environmental problems such activities not only improve organizational appeal but also help for limiting environmental impact.

·         Linkages to Job Seekers' Attraction to Green Employers

The focus that corporations have on waste management programs may appeal to job searchers who place a high value for working for environmentally conscious companies. Companies that actively manage their trash and showing commitment to sustainability are likely to draw in job candidates. When an enterprise waste management policies and the environmental values of job searchers coincide, the organization becomes more appealing to employer of choice (Jehan et al., 2020). The organization image as being environmentally conscious is strengthened by this alignment might also affect job seekers' decisions to interact in it throughout their job hunt.

Green Hiring Initiatives and Job Search Dynamics

Applicant Attraction Mechanisms

·         Green Job Market Trends and Statistics

Islam et al.'s 2020 study examines the difficulties and potential solution for implementing green HRM techniques in Bangladesh ready-to-wear sector. This study underlines the growing need for environmentally conscious behaviors in workforce and illuminates the growing significance of green efforts for enterprises. Green jobs are becoming more and more popular as job seekers are drawn to companies that value sustainability. To successfully navigate the changing environment of sustainable employment, businesses and job seekers alike must having solid understanding of the trends and data pertaining in the green job market.

·         Motivations for Job Seekers to Pursue Green Opportunities

Malik et al. (2021) investigate the connection between sustainable performance, green human resource management and corporate social responsibility. According to their results, number of variables such as a sense of environmental responsibility, desire for support sustainable development and personal beliefs, encourage job searchers to explore green job. Candidates that placing high priority on environmental issues are more likely to be drawn to companies that have strong commitment to green projects. In order to effectively attract and retain environmentally conscientious personnel thus firms must having thorough understanding of these reasons.

Motivation Factors in Green Recruitment

·         Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivators for Green Job Seekers

Alghamdi (2021) investigates how employee behavior and performance are affected in green HR strategies. For those looking for green jobs since survey reveals both internal and external motivators. A desire to have beneficial influence on the environment, ethical issues, and personal beliefs are examples of basic motivators. Financial incentives, prospects for job growth and acknowledgement for environmental initiatives are examples of extrinsic motivators. To successfully adapt their recruitment strategy and attract the right personnel, firms must having thorough understanding to wide-ranging incentives that drive job applicants who are green.

·         Impact on Job Search Behavior and Decision-making

The existence of green employment programs may have a big influence on how job searchers conduct their searches and make decisions. Individuals seek employment who place high importance on environmental sustainability are inclined to actively seek out companies that have green initiatives and giving priority to green job openings throughout their job hunt. Also job seekers' decisions to apply for positions and accept employment offers may be influenced by their impression of an organization's environmental responsibility. Thus it is important for firms to comprehend how green recruitment strategies affect the behavior of job seekers in order to effectively attract and retaining environmentally conscious personnel.

Green Recruitment Strategies and Employer Brand Image

Employer Branding in Context of Sustainability

·         Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR for Branding

Employer branding is greatly influenced by corporate social responsibility particularly when it comes for sustainability. The importance of CSR activities, such as green HRM practices thus for improving organizational performance and reputation is highlighted by research by Malik et al. (2021). Customers and workers in particular actually have more positive perception of companies that actively participate to corporate social responsibility especially when it comes to environmental sustainability. These companies are viewed as socially conscious and environmentally conscious improving their employer brand image.

·         Perceived Organizational Support for Environmental Values

In context of sustainability, employer branding depends critically for how much people believe their organizations promote environmental ideals. Companies that show in their actions and policies that they are committed to environmental sustainability are attracting growing number of employees and job seekers. According to research by Alghamdi (2021), employee behavior and performance are positively impacted by perceived corporate support in environmental principles. Employers enhance their employer brand image when they actively support green projects and placing high priority on environmental sustainability. This shows prospective employees and workers that the company shares their values.

Case Studies and Examples of Successful Green Employer Branding

·         Companies with Strong Environmental Branding Strategies

Many businesses have used green employer branding techniques to attract people and improving their image. Businesses such as Interface and Patagonia, for instance have centered their brand identities on environmental responsibility and sustainability. Renowned outdoor apparel company Patagonia is well known in its dedication to sustainable business methods and environmental advocacy. In a similar way Interface multinational flooring producer has introduced cutting-edge sustainability programs including Mission Zero seeks to eradicate adverse environmental effects by 2020. These businesses show how to successfully integrate environmental sustainability for company principles and are prime examples of green employer branding.

·         Effects on Organizational Reputation and Stakeholder Perception

Effective green employer branding strategy have significant impact for stakeholder perception and company reputation. Alghamdi's (2021) research demonstrates how adopting green HR practices may improve an organization reputation and stakeholder perception. Presumed to be socially and ecologically sensitive and hence these organizations draw not just top talent but also devoted patrons and enthusiastic investors. Organizations may stand out from the competition, obtaining competitive edge and improve their reputation as ethical and ecologically conscious businesses by develop strong green employer brand.

Empirical Studies on Green Recruitment Practices in UK

Review of Existing Literature

·         Key Findings from Previous Research

Numerous significant conclusions have come from studies on green hiring practices. For example via pro-environment behavior, green human resource management practices in IT sector are favorably connected with environmental performance (Ojo et al., 2022). In 2022, Ercantan and Eyupoglu conducted study for impact of green HRM practices on workers' engagement in environmentally conscious behavior. Specifically they examined the influence of corporate activities for environmental behaviors of potential employees, notably university students. Also Yusoff et al. (2020) examined the relationship between environmentally friendly HRM practices and hotel sector environmental performance highlighting the need in implementing eco-friendly practices to improve sustainability results.

·         Strengths and Limitations of Previous Studies

Empirical proof of the beneficial effects of green HRM practices on environmental performance and pro-environment behavior for variety of industries is one of the earlier research strengths. The processes via which organizational actions affect environmental consequences are better understood thanks to these investigations. The use of self-reported data, possible biases in sample selection and the absence for longitudinal study designs for evaluate long-term impact are some potential drawbacks.

Identification of Research Gaps

·         Areas with Limited or Contradictory Evidence

Even with the body of research on green HRM practices since there are still several areas with scant or conflicting data. For instance research has looked at how green HRM practices affect environmental performance for particular industries like hospitality and information technology but there isn't much thorough study on how these practices directly affect the dynamics of job searches and employer branding in UK. Also because methods, sample characteristic and contextual variables might change throughout research, results may not always agree.

·         Opportunities for Further Exploration and Analysis

There is need for more investigation and examination in a number for green hiring research domains. Future research might look for precise effects of green recruitment campaigns on how job seekers view the attractiveness of their employers, why they pursue green possibilities and how they make decisions. Also to evaluate the long-term impacts of green HRM practices on organizational results and environmental performance, longitudinal study approaches might be used. Additionally comparative research between other sectors and geographical area may shed light for findings' generalizability and the efficacy of green hiring practices in a range of settings including the UK.

Conclusion and Future Directions

Summary of Key Findings

Numerous important results have been brought to light by research on green hiring practices. Research has indicated that the implementation of green human resource management methods has a favorable effect for environmental performance and pro-environment behavior for number of industries including the hotel industry, academic setting and the information technology sector. The significance of corporate actions in promoting environmental sustainability and encourage individuals to adopt green habits is highlighted for these findings.

Implications for Theory and Practice

The results of studies on environmentally friendly hiring procedures have significant ramifications in both theory and practice. These studies add to our theoretical knowledge of the mechanisms to which human behavior and environmental consequences are influenced by organizational actions. Also they shed light on how HRM procedures support organizational environmental sustainability. Practically speaking results emphasize how critical it is to implement green HRM practices in order to improve environmental performance and drawing talent that cares for the environment.

Recommendations for Future Research

Future study possibilities remain despite the advances gained for understanding green recruitment strategies. Future research might concentrate on analyzing the precise impact of green recruitment campaigns for job seekers' opinions of how appealing company is, why they are motivated to pursue green chance and how they make decisions in UK. To evaluate the long-term impacts of green HRM practices on organizational results and environmental performance, longitudinal study approaches may be utilized. Also comparative studies conducted in other industries and geographical areas will understand generalizability of findings and efficacy in green recruitment strategy to various settings.




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