99designs Australia - Report

Clients can purchase design services on the online platform 99 design, which hosts a community of independent contractors. 2008 saw the launch of the company's Global Creative Platform. It is a straightforward platform that enables real estate, service providers, and customers to work together to develop better goods and services. Based on the creativity of thousands of business owners and freelancers as well as their enormous ideas for ventures, the freelancing community is on its way to having more than 1 million projects. The business is therefore based on luring customers from all over the world to use the online platform and buy services from among the many designs made available there.

In order to understand how the company is working to meet the needs and wants of the market in order to be the most competitive and competitive, the study is built on the presentation of a competitive strategy for 99designs Australia. In a similar vein, performance management is the primary focus of the report in order to understand performance management and team management within the organisation. It will include Porter's model of strategic planning so that the calculation made by a decision to choose the supplier power and the threat of new and tree or substitute can be understood clearly. An overview of the organization's Balanced Scorecard will be provided in the report to help the business offer its customers the best services possible. Similarly, there are ideas for growing the company.

99designs' competitive strategy

Since the company was founded on providing an online platform for designers and clients to come up with innovative ideas for business cards and other items to support the growth of their businesses (Mishra, and Tripathi 2020). In this way, the platform enables the creation of original designs for clients, who then submit the designs. They could assess and comprehend what is necessary for their company to move forward with the development of the particular business concept or logo.

The key problems are:

  • Existence of rival websites or services like Amazon, Mechanical Turk, and others
  • Persistent management issues with finding the appropriate designer for the specific client

Its headquarters are primarily in Australia and Singapore, and among the services it offers to clients is graphic design, wherein it talks about the company's potential to work with different industries to produce a variety of designs while utilising the 99 Design to produce high-quality graphics for the business. Through its network, the company can easily access talented designers from around the world to create a brand identity and logo and understand the worth of the company (Maisyarah 2018). In order to establish a stronger brand image in the market among competitors, the business strategy is solely focused on luring clients from around the world based on the calibre of the designer and the availability of a logo.

Performance measurement

The foundation of 99designs is the idea of performance management, which emphasises the value of teamwork among employees. so that each team member is aware of what needs to be done Designers, managers, and blog writers are also included. In light of this, the designers' top priority is to provide their clients with top-notch design concepts, such as corporate logos and brand images. As a result, team management is done in a way that ensures the client receives excellent services. Teamwork improves the effectiveness of performance management within the organisation (Demil, et al., 2018).

The current business practise of making pertinent data or information available to readers or clients is something that 99design Australia is adhering to. The reader can make an informed choice once they have access to accurate information. Performance management focuses on providing the right solution rather than the ideal one. Each business concept is unique. Therefore, best could be anything. But it's important to act appropriately. Having the right logo or business idea is essential. Consequently, 99designs' performance management is very beneficial.

The Porter Strategic Model


There are several rivals to 99designs. However, other businesses are also doing well in terms of providing customers with better services. It includes products and services like Amazon Mechanical Turk, Upshift, and Thumbtack (Spieth, et al., 2016). The competitive strategy is based on providing the client server with better services, like improved designs and support. Competition on the web platform isn't just about providing customers with the best design or logo work; it's also about business ideas.

Instead, it is based on giving customers better services in order to decide what is best for them.

For a company manager or owner who isn't familiar with design, such as logos and business concepts (Soriano, et al., 2013). However, they have the option to purchase the designers' services through 99 design Australia in order to obtain the unique logo of the company concept. The organization's main responsibility is to provide clients with better services while also giving them advice on what would be best for their company based on their business strategy or idea.

Threat of new entry

If a new competitor can attract the most potential customers or clients, there is a serious threat to online platforms. Social media is widely used today, but it's important to understand that it's not the best place to advertise a well-known company. Offering the best services at the most reasonable prices is the key (Diliana 2021). Additionally, everyone is working quickly to finish the services on time or early. As a result, completing the client task for delivery services like 99design Australia typically takes one week.

Low prices and prompt delivery can therefore outperform the reputation and brand recognition of designers on any platform, including 99designs Australia. Therefore, there is a lot of pressure on the organisation to continue offering services and giving its customers the best service possible in order to maintain its market position. And be the customers' top choice despite any new competitors entering the market.

Supplier power

Given that every competitor is working hard to win the trust of the customer, it is crucial to win the customer's confidence and trust once they realise that the company is providing more than just the best products or services. But if they act in a way that is right and necessary for their company, the business organisation will have a greater competitive edge.

Buyer power

The online marketplace is constantly growing as a result of the fierce competition to offer customers better services at the lowest possible cost. Prospective customers can access 99 design Australia to obtain services at low costs, but with great confidence that they will receive the best service or product for them (Kieltyka, et al., 2022). The main objective of 99designs is to have access to numerous designers with a variety of ideas, not to provide the best. In this regard, 99design Australia's website offers the main concepts online so that customers can research the best business concepts for them before visiting the designer appropriately to receive the best services.

 Threat of substitution

There are unquestionably plenty of alternatives for everything on the online market. Online platforms offer a variety of websites and brands that provide designers with a location where they can access services at the most competitive prices. Because of this, 99designs Australia is forced to find a substitute. To succeed over the long term, the Company organisation has maintained the best service policy as well as customer confidence.

Balance score card in the business

Giving customers the most value is the foundation of the business scorecard at 99designs. The customers can choose from 18 different designs and plans as a result. It is based on the work of designers who are knowledgeable about various contexts and concepts from around the globe (Gaspareto, and Henriqson 2020). Similar to this, there are four designers who work in tandem with expert icons and brilliant designers to realise customers' ideas and provide them with the tools they need to succeed commercially. However, two winners are available with custom icons and designs based on the needs and preferences of the clients. It satisfies their operational needs.

Professional designers work together with other working designers to improve their ideas and produce work accordingly. Instead of offering what is best or easily accessible in terms of previous designs, the business scorecard is built on providing diverse designers as well as high-profile professional designers to work on business ideas and deliver what the customer requires. The 99 layouts Australia is strong enough to outperform its rivals and take the top spot in the clientele's two eyes market.


A Marketing Campaign or Strategy

The fundamental strategy for propelling any business toward success is to keep it informed of brand-new products and services that clients can purchase. It is advised to inform customers about any discounts for new designs and other newly introduced services. For 99 designs Australia to survive in the cutthroat world of internet platforms and continue to provide the best service, it will be a significant step forward. The quality of the best product may vary depending on the good designs created by the designers once the company has been successful in informing the clients that 99design Australia is offering what the client needs. Today's consumers are aware that the best products are widely available.

Information on their requirements for their company, however, is not readily available (Trabucchi et al., 2019). It is based on their business concept and marketing plan so that they can have the logo created according to their requirements. To create the best designs and finish their task, it will be necessary to have the best marketing strategy. If they use the best marketing strategy, they can endure in the market for a very long time. To increase client awareness, they may not have the best marketing strategy. Because it is not possible to sustain a long-term business that has both the company's goodwill and profitability as well as the business, it is essential and necessary to go for the long-term business.

It is therefore advised to choose the ideal marketing strategy for customers or clients using a web-based platform. A more effective marketing strategy is required, one that makes use of the more potent platforms like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. It could draw in the largest number of customers and let them know about the best products or services offered by 99design Australia.


Finally, 99 design Australia successfully provides a perfect platform for numerous clients from all over the world. It is an online marketplace that provides the best creative services, including business card design, company ideas, and logo design. The paper also looks at the competitive strategy and concludes that there are a lot of competitive prices available on the web platform in order to provide the best services to the other clients. For clients from 99design Australia, there are several options available to finish work within a week. Therefore, there are numerous designers in a variety of disciplines, specifically 18 senior designers with extensive experience who provide the top work required by the clients who are already customers.

A review of performance management was also included in the report, and it was found that various designers, managers, and bloggers collaborate on the 99 design Australia platform to offer customers better services. The business scorecard, which is also included in the report, explains that various designers, bloggers, and senior designers with experience are available to meet the needs of the client. The report concludes with suggestions for a more effective marketing plan campaign to increase client awareness and win their trust.


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