20th Party Congress in China and Forcible Exit of Hu Jintao

What happened after China's former president, Hu Jintao, was forcibly removed from the session hall is questionable. Many analysts are expressing their opinion for various reasons for de-seating the Hu Jintao from the session room. 

Hu received a lot of flak for the corrupt nature of the communist party, of which he was the leader. It has something to do with Chinese history as well. It also applied to the country's struggle to deal with the Japanese invasion as well as its internal problems during that difficult period. The communist party at the time played a significant role in defending the nation. Therefore, the communist party had a good reputation, but it is crucial to remember that from 2002 to 2012, the party lost its integrity.   

Have a Look at the History First 

Immediately following World War II, there was a civil war in old China between the Nationalist Party and the Chinese Communist Party. In order to cooperate with the Nationalist party within the parameters of the first United Front, the Chinese Communist Party was established in Shanghai in 1921. The Communist Party of China engaged the Nationalist army in combat in the Northern Expedition during the years 1926–1927. When the White Terror of 1927 took place, where National Listed turned to communists and went for the killing of party members, there was collaboration. 

In part, Japanese invaded Manchurian in the year 1931, and the Republic of China faced the threat of a triple invention as a result of the government's focus only on internal affairs during World War II. Because the communist party was not solely focused on China's internal affairs, there was support for them there. Not to mention their impact on rural areas, where the communists triumphed in 1949 while losing the major cities in World War II. Additionally, it improved military morale and resulted in the seizure of Japanese weapons used in Manchuria.

Who is Hu Jintao?

Hu Jintao, the former leader of the Chinese Communist Party from 2000 to 2012, was publicly exiled from the party congress during the shocking drama that occurred during the 20th party congress in new China. For everyone watching the video clip and trying to comprehend what was going on, it was confusing.

What Happened in 20th Party Congress in New China

Hu was sitting in a prominent position and had his name on the meeting or session list when he was thrown out of the room just before the final board of the session. Considering history, the Communist Party played a significant role in advancing the nation. Therefore, it cannot be said that the person was not qualified to attend the meeting despite the fact that he had a long history of dedication to the nation.

The Chinese government has a long-standing policy of keeping its internal conflicts and affairs a secret from the outside world. It could be argued that the collaboration between the previous and current governments and their leadership in promoting national welfare is what led to China's success. Therefore, the fact that such an incident occurred during the previous session is not a big deal. Since everyone is privy to their own domestic affairs, it is crucial to keep this information hidden from the outside world in order to prevent it from having an impact on national security or the economy. 

Analysis of the Incident

It is crucial to have an analysis of Hu's years from 2002 to 2012 in this case. Hu was never as well-known and strong as Xi is right now. The power is still present in the area known as collective leadership, where the majority of leaders make decisions together. There is a collective leadership in China, which is a point that needs to be made here. However, the video clearly shows Hu taking the paper from Xi's side, indicating that there may be information on it that is not in agreement with Hu. Hu may then bring up this issue during the session or the meeting.

Corrupt practices increased under Hu's rule, which was dangerous for the party. Many of Hu's former allies have been detained, most notably Ling Jihua in the year 2015, because the majority of party members were too busy making money to pay attention to the party. However, new China was entirely dedicated to have the zero corruption.

A large number of analysts and journalists are considering getting sick. If not, forcing him to leave the meeting room is regarded as an insult. Additionally, some claim that he may be suffering from serious health problems or COVID-19. Talking about it is a childish thing to do. Because there were numerous people in the room, and if he had the virus, he could have infected the vast majority of those present.

These arguments are not useful to discuss because Xi does not need to insult Hu and/or expel him without demonstrating any health concerns or because it would be impractical to have a positive COVID. The president had the idea of having the former president leave the meeting room because of something that is really serious for the state. In all honesty, it is not about the threat of what is occurring or what has already occurred. However, it is a worry about what might occur during the session speech. The Chinese President realised he had to skip the meeting as a result of his worries.

Most Possible Cause

What then transpired? It is now simple to comprehend and express an opinion regarding what happened to those who were denied permission to leave this meeting. The majority of the party members were earning money and were even detained for corruption cases, which had an impact on the party. Hu was the party leader at the time, so he was aware of the events and the party members' actions that resulted in them making money and overthrowing the government.

On the other hand, there is a collaborative leadership style, which means that Hu Jintao and the other leaders decided together that the speech would end the session. In addition to the allegations that he may have had health problems, some people even assert that Hu did not dye his hair and that this made him look older. Therefore, it was not possible for him to sit in on this crucial session; therefore, it was right to force him to leave.

One thing to keep in mind is that Hu is older  and that his party members had a bigger impact on him and are still around today. Consequently, it might have been used for the ex-opinion president's in the meeting, which was unacceptable for Xi and other leaders. Therefore, it was decided and practical for the Chinese government to force him to leave the session without knowledge in order to avoid the unforgettable drama from playing out on the stage.
