Career Analysis - introduction

The major aim behind writing the report is to get to know the interpersonal skills and the development of the personality.  It is a fact that I am looking to be a better professional initially with the management side and to operate the machine. But, at the same time my skills are lacking in a way that the leadership style is the major style that is required in any of the organization or employer to direct or lead other workers or staff.  Till now, I am looking in this skill to lead other people and to give them direction and ensure the working environment in the company.  

At the same time, I am the person who can work with the less training to give the maximum productivity.  The report will demonstrate that how the leadership can be improved and what should be the techniques and tools for the self reflection of the person.  There will be the suggested steps that I have been taking and working on to improve myself as a professional.

Stage 2: data description and interpretation

Personal Assessment

 “Don’t ever Doubt the Worth of Yours but develop yourself on the Right Path”-

My personal strength lies in working with the teams so that I can give my best work more over it is also that I can get the minimum of the training to learn something and give the maximum result.  Initially, for the career pathway, it is to go in the management side to understand how the workers are working under the directions and leadership (Sammaknejad, & Marzban., 2016).

Moreover, I would prefer to learn this can get the training on the short-term level to know how to operate the Machines.  Personal database is showing the personality I am which is showing that realistic in nature enjoy working with the hands outdoors and love to operate machines.  I am the person who is having idea of the person who is being independent, genuine, persistent as well as practical in life.  Particularly, Superstrong inside is giving the idea from the professional point of view to demonstrate that how the personality traits are affecting the person. 

It is of being a person who can build personality and touches the value. It is major reason that I go for the natural world larger than going towards materialism.  What is more, it is also giving the personal interest to work outdoors, operating machines and the athletics.  From the academic point of view, the super strong insight is based on the management and operating machine system to clarify the working interest is related to the management and operation side as well as dealing or operating the Machines.

Personal Dashboard

Superstrong Result


v  Mechanical ingenuity

v  Dexterity

v  physical coordination


Improvement: Need to do some work on the coordination with the co-worker or the lower staff as I lack in skills to direct the people.

Academic Interests –Management and Machines



Personal Interests


Machines, computer networks, athletics, working outdoors






Stage 3: critical interpretation and argument

Vision for Me

I am the one who believe in working independently or in the teamwork.  But, at the same time I do not prefer to be in the leadership to direct others rather I believe in taking the directions from a leader and work accordingly. 

The result is given most feasible points being a professional.  But here are flaws that are major in the nature and that must be improved.  In today's world, the technological advancement has increased the competition in the market there is an ultimate need to build the personality for your organisation in a way so that it can compete with the competitors and can earn the maximum profitability.  

Moreover, for any of the person/professional or for any of your organisation, it is also significant to have or produce the maximum Goodwill in the market so that they can attract most of the stakeholders and the consumers. 

Profit or return is not that valued but the good will of the company or the personality is valued in the market. Hence, it can attract most of the investors in the shape of stakeholders as well as the trust of customers.  In this regard the personality style is showing that the leadership style is not comfortable and person is not comfortable in leading other persons or giving the directions to the other workers.  In this competitive Era, it is the major flaw in the personality of a professional who is not able to lead others. 

There is a need to build up confidence so that the person can get engaged with the other co-workers and get to know how to deal with the problems.  Certainly, a leader is the one who is present all time for the problem solving situations and understand the need and demand of the stakeholder as well as the consumer so that he or she can direct The Other workers. It is to ensure to work accordingly to get the maximum profitability along with the improvement in the Goodwill in the market.  In addition, the personalities also showing with the enjoyment in taking risk.  Being a professional risk taking is good and feasible in a way that there should be the measurement of probability to take the risk and go for the investment in any of the project. 

Consequently, it is not required to enjoy taking risk rather than major the risk being a professional to work according to the needs and demands of the market to satisfy the customers as well as the shareholders (Wang., 2017).  It is referring the short term training to learn something regarding machine or but the team orientation is giving the fact that the personality is enjoying the independent and teamwork which is impressive and good being a professional.  But, at the same time, teamwork can only become possible whenever a person is having the leading quality where he or she can understand the directions of a leader or can even give the direction to the lowest staff so that the flow of the work does not get interrupted.

“Any of the worker who possess the right attitude can actually translate the best behaviour in a way can benefit the organisation”-

It is beneficial for any of the organisation or employee in a sense that I possess the quality which the minimum training session to learn something and give the maximum result by using the high potential.  Moreover, I believe in both Independent and teamwork can give the best performance in any area whenever it's me to work as an individual or needs to work with the team so that I can give the maximum through the team mates.  as a whole I possess the competency that is the sum of the total of the knowledge and skills I am having from mental abilities to the physical abilities to perform in an effective way.

Stage 4: Reflection on tools and techniques

“Self-Reflection entails to ask yourself your strengths to find your way”-

Reflection on the Process

For any of the individual who is going to have a professional life to have interest in developing the personal skills (Weber, Gold, Prilop, & Kleinknecht., 2018).  For any of the company or the employer, there are the availabilities of the graduates who are having the degrees in their hands difference they are searching for is the development of the personal skills.  Keeping this into consideration, the personal skill of solving the major problems related to the operating machine and the management side are commendable.  

For me, it is important to look after the demands of the customers and the stakeholders and to make sure that the demands are fulfilled and the company is getting the higher profitability and implement in the Goodwill in the market.

Problem solving approach

Any of the organisations, management can have the problems and it is not the responsibility of the employer to just highlight the problems of the queries in front of the management. Rather, it is the responsibility of the employee to bring the solutions and go for the possible outcomes benefits the organisation.

No complaints

Most of the employees are working in the organisation this to get the benefits and not to be adjustable in the environment not everyone can get adjusted in one environment. Different peoples are having the different personality so that their needs and desires are also different.  In this regard there are employees who are not comfortable in the working environment or will have to adjust in the environment to give the outcome.  Despite the fact that their employees are not ready to adjust or to compromise to give the maximum productivity rather the employees always complain regarding the poor performance of the management while not fulfilling their requirements.

Continuous learning

I believe in taking the short term trainings in different skills so that I can learn to operate machines as well as to get the direction from the leadership to work efficiently in this regard there is a need to welcome the learning from all sides while giving the idea of non stop working.

Development plan

It is not the duty of the worker to just to go for the job description and start working rather there is an Ultimate need to understand the requirement of the organisation to work accordingly it is also the duty of the employee to understand the environment and the cons of the stakeholders and the customers to fulfil.

Creating value

For any of the organisation, the management can work on creating goodwill and profit or return (Chupina, Fedorenko, & Pleshakova., 2018). But, none of the organisation can afford the reduction in the Goodwill of the company in front of the stakeholders and the customers.  at the end of the day customers are the one who can build the better future of the organisation while giving the idea to the stakeholders that they are having the trust over the organisation and the stakeholders can invest without any hindrance.


Risk-taking employees are not there in the organizations. Most of the employees work according to their comfort zone. But, the personality I possess, I like or prefer to take risks so that I can work without any hindrance or question. I can take the risk to increase the productivity.

In conclusion, the academic area of interest is management and corporate machine the person I am is lacking in giving the direction to the other people therefore there is a need to build the leadership style.  It is necessary for any of the organisation, in today's competitive era, where most of the organisations are running behind the customers and the stakeholders to attract them and build their confidence and trust over the company.  It is only possible through the building of the Goodwill in the eyes of the customers.  A company can built on satisfied customer or stakeholder and if they are not satisfied then it can individually lead to the organisation towards the failure of the bankruptcy.  Therefore, report gave the authenticity in a way that the personality I am is having the most of the efficiency to work with any of the employer but at the same time there is an Ultimate need to improve the leadership skills to direct other people as well whenever company needs.


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Appendix:  Stage 1: