CSS Essay 

After reading this guide, you won't need anyone else to instruct you further on CSS essay writing. You can understand this strategy and write well if you are a student with at least good or average knowledge of various topics. When I was a beginner with little experience, all I really needed was a solved essay with thorough instructions, at least once.

So here you are....

Let's start the journey toward your dream future, CSS... 

Climate change is the subject of the first essay that could possibly be included in the paper. No expert can predict the essay topic that will be covered in the exam. But it's likely that we can look at some topics that, regardless of the examiner's viewpoint, can actually satisfy the essay's requirements.

Instead of practicing each and every essay topic, I would advise you to focus on the topics that will probably come up in the exam. However, these are some of the subjects that you may assume will most likely be covered in the exam because they relate to climate change from a variety of angles that may include other activities that harm the environment. Before you enter the examination room and write your essay under pressure, I would advise practicing this essay at least five to eight times.

I am taking climate change into consideration and adding it to the discussion of the circular economy so that it can address other issues as well. but provides quick information about the circular economy. because the essay examiner can explain the value of the circular economy for a better environment and the circular economy's various roles with regard to the environment.

Another circular concept exists in the form of a blockchain application, so you do not need to worry about the terminology. Because you'll be giving the most thorough and competitive exam CSS possible, you need to include the terms and ideas that will give the examiner the absolute best impression of you and show them that you are well-versed in global issues in particular.

Climate change is the world's most pressing problem. Of course, talking about temperature changes, volcanoes, floods, and other weather changes is not all that climate change is about. However, it is more about us performing our own practices and activities on the planet.

CSS Essay Solved - Climate change and role of Circularity


With the rapid rise in the population living in metropolitan cities, it has become essential that raw materials and other resources be utilised with care; they should be used, reused, and recycled. Also, the urban population is vulnerable to climate change. The understanding of climate change and its effects on the environment around the world is the basis of the essay. Consequently, the idea of climate change will be included in the essay to illustrate what the term "it" means. 

In order to comprehend the risks to the client and changes for the earth, the essay will also discuss the effects of climate change. The paper will also discuss the potential risks that the changing climate poses to all forms of life on earth, including humans.

Additionally, the idea of a circular letter will be understood as a useful tool for reducing the risk of climate change on earth. It will provide a hint as to how the circularity may reduce the risk from climate change. It is crucial to recognise how the processes of recycling and reuse can benefit the environment. Consequently, the paper will examine how the circularity concept affects the risk associated with climate change.

Also Read: https://inphobuzz.blogspot.com/2022/11/how-to-write-essay-in-css-exam-detailed.html 

Climate Change - Concept

Climate change is the alteration of the Earth's climate as a result of changes in the atmosphere and various occurrences on the planet. due to changes in the system's chemistry, geology, biology, and geography. a long-term shift away from the planet's typical weather conditions, like average temperatures and winds, and toward unfavourable climatic conditions. It indicates that the situation is out of the ordinary and exceeds.

The Earth and the environment have suffered harm as a result of the changes over the past ten years. Similar to how humans and other animals living on the planet are being destroyed, it is also getting worse. However, there are numerous factors contributing to climate change, such as fluorinated gases, increasing livestock farming, deforestation, and fossil fuels. However, it is crucial to emphasise that searches for environmentally hazardous conditioners are primarily driven by activities that take place on Earth.

Effects of Climate Change on Earth

The earth's conditions have changed as a result of climate change. It affects the Earth because of changes in temperature, the fall, and other circumstances. The major danger and risk for the crops were caused by rising sea levels, oceans moving toward a warming condition, and more intense drought conditions. Similar to how it affects wildlife like polar bears and marine turtles, it also poses a risk to freshwater supplies. 

On the African coast, where climate change is having an increasingly negative impact on species, habitats, and human livelihoods, the planet's diversity is in danger. Various organisations are working to protect the environment there.

However, the issues' resolution may not even be sufficient to make progress. However, in order to urgently reduce carbon pollution and comprehend the effects of global warming, it is necessary to have advance policies for the conditions of climate change and must engage with various organisations to reduce carbon emissions in the environment. On the other hand, encourage communities and individuals to make changes that will improve their daily activities and be better for the environment.

Possible Hazardous outcome of climate change

The biggest health threat to humanity is climate change

The greatest threat to humanity on the planet is climate change. It is already taking action in response to the health risks and the developing crisis brought on by climate change. According to the World Health Organization, there are catastrophic health effects related to climate change that could be limited or controlled by limiting the rise in temperature by 1.5 degrees Celsius.

However, it has already exceeded the level that is considered safe for the risk associated with climate change time goes on. People with high incomes in our country are contributing to the damage to the environment, while people who are at risk due to health conditions can face these conditions and their lives.

Also Read: https://inphobuzz.blogspot.com/2022/11/css-solved-essay-detailed-understanding.html 

To comprehend the development of humanity and the reduction of poverty, low-income people and other groups of people are looking back 50 years to understand the crisis related to climate change. In order to control it and to reduce the temperature by half a degree Celsius, the World Health Organization strongly advocates bringing down greenhouse gas emissions rapidly.

It has widened the disparity between population inequality and the various approaches used to implement universal health coverage. More than 930 million people, or about 12% of the world's population, do not have enough money to pay for health care due to the burden of diseases and lack of access to health care in their communities. They lack the means to care for both their family members and their own health. The consequence of this inequality is that the benefits in terms of health are often not adequately transferred to them.

  • Increased risk to the animals and wildlife

The lives of humans have not been the only ones affected negatively by climate change. The increase in temperature has limited the survival of various species, creating a number of risks for wildlife. They do not have enough food, and their reproduction is not very successful. Since they no longer have a habitat for wildlife to live in, major species are no longer able to reproduce or lead stable lives. As a result, plants have adapted to the changes.

Since wildlife is facing destruction and even fires are now common as wildlife species struggle to find nutrition and food so that they can survive, there is a need to move the plant to a cooler location. However, they are unable to support their own reproduction, which is leading to the extinction of numerous species worldwide. Since they no longer have a habitat for wildlife to live in, major species are no longer able to reproduce or lead stable lives.

  • Flooding

Flooding is one of the many extreme weather events that are occurring more frequently around the world as a result of climate change. There is a greater impact on human life due to the increased frequency of the day. Why are they seriously destroying the ecosystem and habitats? There is a long-lasting effect on her anger from the destruction's obvious impact on the environment, where the burned forest and flooded land are becoming the cause of the destruction. pollution of the sewer water.

Circularity - An effective tool to mitigate risks related to climate change

A fundamental principle of a circular economy is provided by circularity. It implies that a process should be circular rather than linear in order to promote new ways of thinking about how to consume things and create environmentally friendly products. It is based on reusing and recycling the products of the materials being used to limit environmental damage. Circularity is important because it is a potent tool for environmental protection. Embracing the concept of a circular economy is an effort to curb environmental damage that has been widely neglected for many years, but it is imperative that the way it will be carried out does not exacerbate those damages.

It is a way to reduce waste and keep the environment in mind when making purchases with a circular mindset. Realizing that resources can be used in a variety of ways and can be extremely valuable for the environment over a long period of time is now crucial. According to Katherine Mangu-Ward, circular economy is when manufacturing methods and consumerism adapt to a concept of reuse and recycle the components rather than destroying them.

Circularity refers to the recycling of products, which is the best way to protect the environment and prevent businesses from producing extra or unnecessary plastic goods. It is primarily based on the use of plastic, which pollutes the environment during the manufacture of various products made of plastic, as well as the creation of plastic from other particles. since it is crucial to have a recycling process that will increase the product's usability while minimising environmental harm. Since products in a circular economy are fully reused and recycled, they must be designed to be returned to the marketplace after use.

As a result, the product is not being used properly and is being disposed of in the garbage. To use, and reused products and reduce waste, there is the recycling of the product where the economy is moving towards the circular economy. An important requirement for closing the loop and creating a full, functional circular economy is that all consider the environmental impacts of actions.


In conclusion, there was the idea that the world's greatest danger was climate change. Whether it's a rise in temperature or a situation of heavy rain for unusual rain conditions or flooding conditions, every other country is dealing with climate change. Similar to this, the essay continued by examining the various impacts of climate change on the planet, including the greatest danger to people and other animals, the effects of wildlife extinction, and the impact of global flooding.

Similar to that, the paper focused on comprehending the idea of circularity to enable product recycling and reuse in order to lessen environmental damage. There is no one more vulnerable to the effects of climate change than the developing world's poor, who stand to lose the most from its devastating effects.

-Hope you understood and if still there is any question you are looking for, kindly mention it in the comment section.