Learning through Curriculum - Early learning goals

"Every Child is Different and Reacts Differently"

Children have different learning styles because they relate to situations and experiences in life differently. Additionally, behaviour and environment have a big impact on how well a person learns, feels confident, and understands everything. There are, however, various curriculum types with unique characteristics. However, it is crucial to gather a group of kids for early learning goals who require the same things in order to learn. Because different kids have different learning styles, it is more important to work with all the kids in your classroom to ensure that they are receiving the same treatment.

How good are our early learning and childcare?

The curriculum is not intended to be the best, but rather the one that is most conducive to learning in a given setting. Society faces difficulties. Known as the comprehensive plan created by schools, curriculum (Erstad, and Voogt, 2018). It outlines the goals that educational experiences should pursue. Under the direction of the teacher, students gain education-related experience. As a result, there are various Curriculum types.

Following are the types of Curriculum for early learning goals commonly used and are of importance in the education system:

Child-centered Curriculum

The curriculum is learner-centered (Gilham and Williamson, 2014). Children are the centre of the educational/school process, according to the main philosophy of the specific Curriculum. The curriculum is based on the students' or children's interests and capacities for engaging in a variety of learning experiences or activities. It promotes classroom-focused learning rather than rote learning. The majority of the kids require a nurturing setting in the classroom to learn.

Teacher-centered Curriculum

The curriculum's primary emphasis is on the teachers' instructional techniques for how they present the material. It placed a focus on how teachers and students share skills, knowledge, and information. The teacher serves as a hub of knowledge and expertise and informs the students of their duties. As a result, teachers place a strong emphasis on developing personal connections with their students. The primary purpose of an introductory class is to assist students in acquiring knowledge.

Core curriculum

The curriculum is the fundamental information about various subjects. Learning opportunities exist in the subjects of math, science, english, history, etc. The specific curriculum type depends on students' overall development for early learning goals, including their emotional, social, moral, physical, intellectual, and spiritual development. Teacher Expectations-Different types of learners require different levels of challenge.

Subject-centered Curriculum

A subject-focused curriculum emphasises certain subjects for the students. So, creating a study subject is the main goal. The analytical specifics are handled by the specialist teacher. It encourages students to pursue further study and research.

Activity-centered Curriculum

Activities that promote active learning of the particular subject are given priority in the curriculum. There is a verbal education system, which does not lead to better education but rather to inadequate knowledge. Participating in an activity is a simpler way to understand, in contrast. It naturally encourages students to have meaningful experiences.

Flight and comparison with Child Learning Needs

The curriculum framework known as Flight is used to direct young children in important work during their early learning. For kids aged 1 to 6, it is childcare education (Education, 2018). Families prepare the home environment for the kids and their educational goals based on the child learning centers. Children are taught to experience the world differently and to analyse various things using a flexible framework for cognitive thinking. It encourages more robust learning in the community's young children.

Children's play is therefore the most crucial component of the curriculum framework because it is an exploratory, active expressive, process, creative, and deeply ingrained in a child's everyday experiences. They take part in various activities. Giving them the opportunity to learn new things and complete exercises using their talents and skills gives them a true sense of the world. Through this form of learning children build confidence, adaptability and achievement.

Alberta Early Learning and Other Activities

Alberta is the only province in Canada that provides funding for early education for kids as young as 2 years, 8 months. Early Childhood Services are crucial in laying the groundwork for a child's future academic success in their early learning goals. It alludes to the pre-Grade 1 educational programme for young children. Therefore, while taking into account Alberta's better position, both pre-kindergarten programmes for young children in need of support are included.


For young children who require extra assistance to get ready for kindergarten and grade 1, kindergarten is a requirement. These young children are eligible thanks to programs that use French or English as a second language. They are young children who have been identified as having a language delay, a severe disability, or another type of disability. The regular progress towards achieving the milestones and standards set out in this handbook, by which your child will be placed in school at the start of grade one, should be at least as fast as his or her peers.

Each child is unique. Therefore, it is essential to continue with the children's proper education beginning around the age of two, so that by the time they enter grade 1, they will be prepared (Education, 2011). They are already aware of learning skills or have developed learning skills through specific activities. And it's the teacher's or these cool people's help. Alberta supports children in this way by allowing them to participate in learning activities through a variety of activities or child play. Additionally, it is important to comprehend problem-solving from various angles.

With the assistance of family members who depend on the educational institution, it is possible. As a result, it is set up with games or physical activities for the kids. They acquire the skills necessary to adopt new practises and deal with problems there. Understanding a child's mental capacity and adaptability to learning at a young age is crucial. Thus, young children learn things quickly and effectively with better curriculum and activities. Additionally, the teacher will learn the child's needs through observation.



Education, A., 2010. Programs of study. English language arts, Retrieved from Government of Alberta, Education website: http://education. alberta. ca/teachers/programs/english/programs. aspx.

Education, A., 2011. School choice. Edmonton: Alberta Education website. http://education. alberta. ca/parents/choice. aspx.

Education, A., 2017. Inclusive education. Handbook of, p.269.

Education, A., 2018. Curriculum development. Alberta Education.

Erstad, O. and Voogt, J., 2018. The twenty-first century curriculum: issues and challenges. Springer International Handbooks of Education, pp.19-36.

Gilham, C. and Williamson, W.J., 2014. Inclusion's confusion in Alberta. International Journal of Inclusive Education18(6), pp.553-566.

Loreman, T., 2010. Essential inclusive education-related outcomes for Alberta preservice teachers. Alberta Journal of Educational Research56(2).