CSS (Central Superior Services) is considered the competitive examination where the most difficult paper is considered an "Essay"-


You may be familiar with the very basic essay structure in CSS, which consists of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. You might believe that showing an essay's introduction, body, and the conclusion is very simple. However, you have no real idea what an introduction is, what should go in the body, or what the conclusion should be about.

You are unable to complete the essay on time. Right?

I wasted time preparing the outline for more than an hour. True?

Let's start by talking about the essay as we are currently writing it, for instance, as an essay on "Freedom of speech". The understanding of your essay knowledge is the most crucial thing you need to keep in mind.

When in an exam room, it can be difficult for CSS aspirants to decide which essay to choose. because two or three of the essays on the list are likely ones you already know quite a bit about. However, in the middle or at the end, you might believe that you know more examples of a different topic.

After Reading this, Review and practice on my solved Essay given below: https://inphobuzz.blogspot.com/2022/11/css-solved-essay-detailed-understanding.html

This was my own experience when I attempted CSS- I am working in the Pakistan Audit and Accounts Department

The problem of choosing a specific essay can be solved very easily. Never consider having perfect knowledge about any subject; instead, consider a subject that you can write about broadly while still knowing the facts and figures.

Lets Start...

Consider the examples you have for the essay when choosing a topic from the list of CSS essay topics. Of course, it must adhere to the fundamental concepts of the terminologies you must comprehend in order to truly comprehend the essay. It indicates that you are able to understand every word in the essay and that no unfamiliar terminology is used.

Once you've come to the conclusion that you understand the essay as a whole, such as the freedom of speech. You are aware that exercising one's right to freedom of speech entails doing so publicly and without any fear of retribution.

Now that you are familiar with the essay's fundamentals, consider the statistical information you possess. The year that the freedom of speech was formally introduced and codified into law is relevant to the statistical data. You should be familiar with your nation's law (Human Rights - Amnesty International Article 19), as well as any other international laws that might be relevant to your essay on freedom of speech.

Now you need to think about two to three examples you have regarding the freedom of speech.

You could, for instance, use examples from the past or even make up your own example based on your interactions with social media or other platforms. When you fought for the right to free speech, you were allowed to express your opinions and ideas, but you were forbidden from talking about them with anyone or anything, even your friends.

(It means you have vast areas to talk about such as Human rights, gender equality, and the welfare of society - But wait, You must link every new idea to the core main topic "Freedom of speech")

Keep in mind one thing, which is very important, when I discuss the right to free speech. 

As Pakistanis, we might constantly consider political issues as we write the essay. Additionally, CSS does not constantly move in the direction of politics. However, you interpret an essay as a principle that applies to every individual and every industry. It will help you realise that you are not bound.

For instance, in Pakistan, women are not permitted to exercise their right to free speech, nor are other children living with them. In fact, most of the time, students are even forbidden from speaking in class because of the teacher's poor behaviour or their fear of receiving failing grades. Because of this, you will undoubtedly have a tonne of ideas and examples to reflect on when you keep in mind that your essay topic will never be politicised or reflect one political party or any ideology.

Now you agree, right?

The body of the essay in CSS will therefore be when you have the statistical data, terminology, and examples from the past, present, and environment.

Now keep in mind that writing an essay in CSS is not about having an hour to create an outline. 

I'm sorry to say it, but the advice you receive from people as you get ready to write an essay is just a waste of time. You will never be able to complete the essay on time.

You must be prepared with ideas and a clear head so that you can finish the essay quickly in the exam room. You will roughly wrap up the example so that when you read that one word in the essay, you will be able to remember how to use it while writing.

It is extremely difficult for the expert writer to follow the outline. After eight years of writing on various platforms, including newspapers, Federal exams, magazines, books, and now social media, I followed the outline. Now that I have the strategy in mind, I feel confident following the outline. Following the outline is practically impossible for a beginner.

You must reserve one page for the outline and two for the introduction (The whole essay is based on maybe 23 - 24 pages). 

You can now begin writing the body of your essay. when you have finished writing your essay and have used various headings, subheadings, or examples. When you're finished, you'll have your outline in front of you, and you'll just need to pick ideas from each page and input them on the essay's first page.

Your Outline is perfectly finished Now!

Currently, we're talking about the introduction and conclusion, which are crucial. These are very simple concepts that many people have made extremely challenging to grasp and articulate.

You must first introduce the topic before moving on to the introduction. For instance (introductory sentences), "The expression of ideas or opinions by individuals or groups of people residing in a society about anything or anyone is known as freedom of speech. The right to free speech is responsible for eradicating evil from society. Hence, it will highlight the negative or worst aspects of what is going on and strive for genuine productivity to improve the world".

Please note that the introduction to the freedom of speech that I have provided in this brief paragraph serves as its general introduction. You must first write a few of these sentences relating to the subject, followed by the introduction and body of your essay.

Body of the Essay

Once more, the body of the essay must be written quickly with all the structured ideas in mind in order to cover all of the essay's topics and aspects. Now that you have a clear road map in place, you can write the outline and introduction quickly without pausing or giving them a second thought.

You begin writing the essay from the body, then move on to the essay's outline.

Now, hold the outline page and start writing the introduction while reading the outline, as it will give you an idea for the next sentence to write. The introduction is what you are going to write in the body of the essay, which you have already written in the body.

You will be more confident because you have covered the main part I hope you get my point!

Some of the topic-related introductory sentences are covered in the introduction, and you write about the essay's future after that. It implies that you will structure your essay so that it is based on the story of how freedom of speech was first established.

Additionally, the essay will show how everyone is free to express themselves and see the world from various angles. Similar to this, the essay will analyse the various viewpoints on freedom of speech and the reasons why society hasn't fully embraced it. They will offer some suggestions and recommendations at the end to help with the essay.

Now you can fully understand what I'm talking about.

The focus of the essay's introduction is setting up the essay's body. It indicates what you'll be talking about. After writing the body of the essay, it will also be very simple to write the introduction because you will have a natural flow of words because you have already written the body.

The introduction part will have the use of "Future tense"- Analyse my wording

We are now nearing the end of the CSS essay. The essay's conclusion states that "freedom of speech has a greater value in society to show the negativity or something bad is happening to really implement the positive events in an environment." The essay has gone into analysis of the various viewpoints and the sectors that are even suffering from a lack of freedom of speech.

Now stop here and let me tell you that in the conclusion part you will use "past tense."

However, you are writing a paper and have chosen to analyse the various sectors and perspectives of not having the freedom of speech implemented. However, you will need to explain in the concluding section what those factors are, such as family issues, student issues, and women's issues as a result of gender inequality. It is what you suggested, how you saw it, and what you wrote. Never ever include a new idea in the conclusion (Tip: you can hold the outline page and write like what you talked about).

The fact that you can begin your essay with any idiom or phrase is its most crucial component. Additionally, you can type the phrase in the essay's middle body. Additionally, the phrase may appear at the conclusion of the essay. I would advise you to include at least one phrase at the beginning and one at the end of the day that will have a significant impact on the reader.

Length of Introduction and Conclusion in Essay (CSS)

Remember that the introduction to your essay should be twice as long as the conclusion. You can at least see that if you have written, for instance, 4 paragraphs in an introduction, then you must have 2.5 paragraphs in the conclusion. This does not mean that you will now have to count the words.

If you stick to this format, you'll always succeed and get good grades on your essay in CSS. for those who even find it difficult to finish the essay by the deadline. Now that I have the right structure, I won't waste time on the outline or the other components while considering the various factors.

I advise you to start writing about the various subjects. I do not advise writing a lengthy essay to try writing about various topics. Because it is impossible to write an essay while understanding the current state of grammar. However, you must understand that the most crucial aspects of essay writing are the flow of each word, which can only be achieved when you write the essay and not just read the grammar.

Phrase/ Idiom in CSS

Begin writing your essay, and feel free to share it with me at the provided email address. I'll give you my feedback and suggestions for how to make your essay better. I can evaluate and review your essay based on your approach, and I can also make suggestions for ways to strengthen the strategy and succeed in the essay paper.