E-commerce - Just Eat, Qatar Airways and Taobao (Alibaba Group)


The purpose of the report is to evaluate the importance of e-commerce for the three companies that were chosen: Just Eat, Qatar Airways, and Taobao (Alibaba Group). E-commerce is essential for business expansion and for understanding the risks that the company faces. Additionally, the electronic commerce system is making it possible to find solutions and expand business promotion. With the help of cutting-edge technologies and e-commerce information systems, businesses are guaranteed to compete in the market in a secure manner. 


The market has changed in this age of competition as a result of technological development. This essay aims to conduct research in which I will highlight both the benefits and drawbacks of e-commerce. The effects of e-commerce on the business will also be covered in the paper. Organizations based on technology and its impact on contemporary activity are included in a case study.

E-commerce guarantees businesses that they can launch their operations successfully and in accordance with local laws and regulations. Therefore, organisations are able to meet the demands of the business world with a stronger and more competitive e-commerce system.

Technologies - e-Commerce System

Taobao (Alibaba Group)

Alibaba group is using "Cloud computing and artificial intelligence Technology" to start the computing for e-commerce business. To control the robust network within the organisation, the cloud computing is offering the service platform that is engaged in e-commerce data-mining, data-customization, and e-commerce data-processing. Because cloud computing enables the team to create better business results, the cloud system is designed so that traffic that is observed on an absolute basis won't interfere with customer order operations.

Qatar Airways 

Qatar Airway is using the "IATA's latest Global Technology Standard". As a service provider as well as a builder of links between airlines, customers, and the most recent global standard, TP Connects provides technology.

Additionally, there are applications for robotics and automatic vehicles that allow them to carry the passengers' native languages as well as artificial intelligence. The use of technology in different aeroplane classes, where passengers can access the internet and televisions in theatres, is another example. Additionally, there is a corner for children in the multi-complex where they can use their iPads, laptops, and smartphones.

Just Eat Pic

Eat pic companies using "Web Technology" to effectively facilitate both business and customer needs. The restaurant they own and the businesses that started and services through the website as well as the email to receive orders from the customers and provide services are at their doorstep. There is website technology that can be used to learn about businesses that have websites that include software for taking orders and accepting payments online in order to serve customers and connect with organisations that need customer information in order to take orders and calculate amounts.

Impact of e-Commerce System

Most websites crash when there is a high volume of customers using various pages of the site in question, but the Alibaba group, which uses cloud computing technology, has a significant impact on both the business and the customers in the sense that customers can use the technology easily. Even though there is heavy traffic on the website, customers won't experience any difficulties using it.

It's important to realise that customers want satisfaction when they shop online, which is why they prefer to do their shopping online rather than driving outside, parking their cars, and paying for expensive transportation. As a result, having online shopping gives customers access to a wide range of options. As a result, it affects or has an impact on customer satisfaction. When a customer visits a website with increased traffic, they become stuck and are unable to respond appropriately.

The customer will suffer as a result. Therefore, the cloud's technology significantly and favourably affects the customers' experience.

Furthermore, Qatar Airways has technology that has a significant impact on the customer experience in that customers are no longer required to wait in lengthy lines and queues in order to verify their identity through paperwork. As an alternative, they have the choice of online scanning, where the customer arrives and leaves their thumbprint or a direct screen imprint, allowing the information to come from the national identification centre.

In addition, technology has improved luggage delivery for passengers via robots and other automatic car carriage facilities, reducing the time and other obstacles encountered at luggage counters and improving the customer experience. Similar to how the use of technology has increased the number of classes on aeroplanes, there is something else that is having a positive impact. People are now adjusting to get the business class and use the facilities using the most recent IATA technologies.

Global Technology Standard by Qatar Airways.

The Just Eat Pic Company is utilising the technology that has changed how customers order their preferred food from restaurants close to their homes. There is a facility through technology that allows people who live there to pay after placing an online order, allowing the business to receive the payment instantly and complete the order at once. This prevents fraud, and technology has made it safe for customers to enter their personal information related to their ATM card and credit card.

Ways through which organizations can promote their Business

The three businesses can use the e-commerce system to promote their businesses in the ways listed below.


The company can effectively construct the website if it has a sound marketing plan. Although every company has a website, including Taobao, Qatar Airways, and Just Eats, it is urgent to assess the necessity of the website in light of the requirement. As a result, the content must be appropriate for the website.


Everyone uses social media today, young or old. Therefore, when using a marketing strategy to promote goods and services through an electronic commerce system, it is crucial to take the platform into account.


Each of the three businesses has an application available for download and use on the Google Play Store. The best way to market a product is to make it available for quick download by each customer, who can then use it as needed. As a result, it is a leading business, and the group's wireless strategy is based on the long term and maintaining competitive advantages through the introduction of Alibaba. Young people spend their money in large numbers, and they are able to obtain high-quality goods that are delivered without delay and on time.


All businesses can benefit from the email promotion, but Qatar Airways in particular. To entice customers, it is appropriate to broadcast new offers and technological advancements over the airport and inside the aircraft. Additionally, clients will be able to speak with the business directly.

Social Awareness

The Alibaba group has a significant positive social impact. It is a more effective way to advertise both the product and the services. Taobao is a new mobile application where customers can spend time actually purchasing the goods they want. Furthermore, more people are affected by the Alibaba network because the application is thought to have a lot of features that draw in users, increasing their loyalty to and involvement with the Alibaba group.

When discussing the technology's impact on individuals who order food online, it is important to note that there is no single company involved in the production or delivery of the food. Instead, it concerns those who are now ordering food from any restaurant without visiting their specific website and paying. As a result, it is an appropriate strategy for promoting the food industry.

Customers have access to a single platform where they can check the products and food availability, make a selection, and place orders from various restaurants that are nearby using that same platform. It offers the greatest benefits and advances in technology.

Solutions to Potential Risks of Organizations in E-commerce 

  • launching of the Cloud Suite for all businesses to operate their websites IT managers who can evaluate the staff associated with the IT Department should be appointed to conduct regular checks and balances on the department's information technology operations. As a result, no one would be able to steal customer information and give it to a third party.
  • a secure IT infrastructure to address the hacking problem To communicate with customers, businesses rely solely and completely on software or websites. Therefore, it's important to manage this website's traffic as well as protect it from hackers. Due to the possibility of hackers taking control of the website and obtaining thousands of transactions per day, this is the case. Change your passwords every month to prevent unauthorised access to your accounts.

Risk Descriptions and Prevention Methods in E-commerce

Risk Description

For the Alibaba group, the business has a division that is primarily focused on online systems, providing customers with websites and introducing software that enables quick order processing and delivery. Additionally, the Alibaba Group's payment options are not numerous, but every system unavoidably has some shortcomings. As a result, there is a chance of hacking. Everywhere in the world, hacking occurs in all technological fields.

As a result, the Alibaba group could run a risk if it continues to have access to sensitive customer information that is also beneficial to them. It has to do with both their bank accounts and ATM card. Additionally, the data includes their contact information, including names, mobile numbers, and addresses.

The details are more delicate. The possibility exists that, if the company is unable to control the hacking issue, it will eventually harm both its profitability and reputation among customers who use the Alibaba group because they believe that their data is essentially secure, won't be compromised, and won't be used for fraudulent transactions.

Because the company is entirely dependent on the airlines, Qatar Airways is more at risk than any other company. Therefore, if an organisation depends on technology, it must manage the technology daily through its IT department. Information technology does have drawbacks in addition to the benefits it offers to the business and the passengers. As a result, different potential risks exist for an information system used by Qatar Airways to obtain passenger information from the national identification centre.

Scanners themselves occasionally have issues. They also work in the luggage industry. The robots that are transporting passengers' luggage may have a problem. In a similar vein, will there be such a connection of the internet or other devices for those customers who purchased business class but are having trouble finding the right technological startup? Once this happens, it will eventually have an impact on the customer's experience, making it a potential risk for the company and lowering both the outcome and goodwill.

When discussing Just Eat Pic, it is obvious that the business is involved in online food delivery. Due to the company's global food distribution, there are numerous hotels that are registered with Just Each Pick in order to deliver food and provide customers with a dependable source of receiving the best service and food of the highest caliber.

Method for Prevention in E-commerce

  • Cloud Suite
  • Regular Check and Balance through the IT Department

Different Regulations Governing e-commerce Websites

The company or organisation using the electronic commerce system is required to keep the records of any customers or employees related to the organisation safe and secure and not to sell the information to any third parties. The E-Commerce industry is governed by laws that are in place and that are also mandated by the EU. These laws deal with system checks and balances, customer security, and customer compliance.

Taobao - the Alibaba group, is adhering to international information technology laws and regulations. The company is adhering to China's regulations regarding consumer information for e-commerce uses. As a result, the company operates according to the PRC principle, which is reflected or inherited in the website as well as other goods or services that are offered on the site globally. As a result, the rules for applying the law are known as Chinese law, and the application is regarded as Republic of China-related law.

The safety of the passengers, as well as the security of their belongings and personal information, is prioritised by Qatar Airways when it comes to observing the laws and regulations of the Sultanate of Oman.

For websites run by Qatar Airways, Just Eat Pic, and the Alibaba Group's Taobao, deleting cookies is an option that can be accessed by simply clicking the "ok" button while on the site. The organisation is in charge of maintaining the security and safety of the customer record. Even better, it ought to be accessible whenever a client legally requests the information.

Following are the regulations for the information while facing any of the consequences:

  • E-Commerce – Regulations 2002
  • Computer Misuse – ACT 1990
  • Consumer Credit – Act of 1974
  • Data Protection – Act of 1998
  • Freedom in Information – Act 2000
  • Copy right Legislation

Critical Evaluation of E-commerce Strategy

Companies like Qatar Airways, Taobao - Alibaba Group, and Just Eat Pic Company are using the E-Commerce strategy for the critical evaluation. Without a doubt, the New Era, which is based on technology, is forcing business to develop an electronic commerce strategy in the technology department of the relevant organisation in order to create an environment where customer dealing and other business operations are carried out using e-commerce.

Even though e-commerce deals with the technology for customers to communicate with the business, not all of the customers' problems are solved by e-commerce. However, some customers encounter a great deal of difficulty when making purchases online. These customers would instead look for products in stores or on the streets, and it is true that not all customers have credit cards or visa cards available for use with online purchases.

Many consumers, however, prefer to pay with cash because they can participate in electronic transactions only when they have cash on hand. Whether it is the Alibaba Group, Qatar Airways, or just eat pic company, all the businesses chosen are without a doubt based on technology. None of the businesses offer cash on delivery; instead, they all request online payments via credit card or ATM card.

Another factor influencing the development of e-commerce is that businesses frequently display products that are not actually in stock. Ideally, the quality of the products that are readily available cannot be compared to those that are being sold online. As a result, it is having a negative effect on the company, customers are becoming dissatisfied, and ultimately this is having a greater negative impact on business, which is a worrying finding for the company as a whole.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Organizations

In the modern era of business where competition is growing or increasing with every passing minute, there are many advantages and disadvantages of the organisation that is using electronic commerce based on technology. The advantages and disadvantages of the organisation mentioned in this paper are listed below.


  • In the modern e-commerce system, customers can contact a company with just one click from their smartphone or other mobile device, bringing them closer to the business. E-commerce, in particular the most recent Global Technology Standard from IATA, makes it possible to maintain the transaction system without any obstacles or danger of data loss. Now, the customer won't have to endure standing in line to shop or going to the counters to deal with shopping-related issues.
  • Customers won't be required to pay an additional fee for the cost of transportation or for crossing the street to purchase the goods. People are aware that they can order any food that suits their tastes and can have it delivered in the shortest time possible, most importantly in their neighborhood.


  • The disadvantage of a business using e-commerce is that customers may not be effectively approaching the company because not everyone has access to the internet. Online company representatives who might not interact with customers in a cooperative manner could harm the company's intentions. The product that the company is shipping does not meet the requirements, or the demands of the customer will have a significant impact on the customer's level of satisfaction with a defect that will prevent other people from purchasing the product from the website.
  • Not everyone can access the internet on their mobile device to book tickets for airlines, which is a disadvantage because those customers can access the availability and offers of services. Customers without internet access will not be able to book tickets and will instead need to head straight to the airport. Another disadvantage of the E-Commerce system is what happens when a customer has a credit card or ATM card with a balance but is unable to use it for a variety of system-related reasons. As a result, placing an order is not an option. Additionally, the problem of hacking has come up, which must be seriously taken into account as an e-commerce strategy disadvantage.



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