The year 2023 will not only be highly competitive for businesses, but it will also be crucial for market sustainability. I'm bringing up sustainability here because the majority of businesses are rushing to produce or manufacture products that are in high demand with consumers. Organizations have neglected employee retention and engagement in the workplace.

Organizations are solely focused on offering whatever IT customer service is available today, and their only strategy is to increase production, employee numbers, or customer service.

However, organisations have lost sight of the true purpose of providing goods or services to customers, which is to rely not only on the decisions of the customers but also on the organization's overall strategy.

Every organisation moves quickly to ensure that the same featured product or service is available on the market after learning of any changes from a competitor. It has not only negatively affected customer service, but it has also made employees more irritable.

At the end of the day, the primary goal of every organisation is, of course, to deliver better customer service in order to win the trust of its clients and foster brand loyalty.

But it's crucial to realise that the true meaning of service is to take care of someone, which is impossible if the person being taken care of is not sufficiently interested. In layman's terms, it is clear that if a guest is not treated with the appropriate respect while they are staying at your home, they will never return.

How can businesses assume that customers who are paying for services they receive but are not guests will actually return if they do not receive the right customer care? Here, I'm referring to effective and real customer service as opposed to the customer service option for every organisation to provide information that, in reality, is useless and makes customers angrier and more frustrated.

Let's move closer to comprehending real customer service, which even major corporations like Nestle, Pepsi, Apple, Samsung, and others still find difficult to comprehend.

What is customer service?

Customer service involves attending to the needs and demands of customers, sometimes before they are even aware of them and other times after they have complained. Since it is not solely based on giving the answers like a robot or machine for any information about what it is to assist and help someone like you do for a friend or loved one, it is really the customer behaviour you have with any of your guests or family members.

What is employee satisfaction?

Employee satisfaction refers to a worker's willingness to put in extra effort to protect the organization's reputation, which is based on providing better customer services. However, it depends on the employee's willingness to work for the welfare of the business of the company. Anyone can be dedicated to doing the work for some reason in order to receive the bonus as a salary and appreciation.

For instance, it would be similar to showing respect to a loved one's relative when they are not present and going out of your way to appease staff and show respect in their honor.

In order for an employee to work for the organization's welfare, the organisation needs a satisfied employee. 

Choosing the Right Employee

Today, the majority of businesses are focused on meeting customer demand for products and services that are popular in the marketplace, so choosing the best employee is best for the business. but it's crucial that the organisation at least selects the appropriate candidate for the position rather than hiring applicants with a high profile who are overly demanding and don't truly belong to the organization. Candidates who need the organization's and want to stick around for a while are needed.

Why is customer service important for an organisation?

Customer service is crucial because it will reveal the company's true position. However, it is impossible to go for the customer's confidence and trust building if it is not based on providing good team support for the customer in terms of understanding their needs. You establish relationships with people by being a part of them and having your expectations met by them. Therefore, you go above and beyond for them because you are confident in their dependability and awareness of your needs. 

But for those friends, you know that they won't ever be available when you call, or they'll just act distant from you, or that every time you call them, your confidence in them will erode over time.

For instance, you might be in need of a person who can help you find a solution to your dilemma or a solution to your problem. In this case, you need someone to assist you without expecting much in return so that you can retain your dignity while being helped. You won't pick someone who won't listen to you or who will listen but will offer you advice on how to solve your problem on your own and won't be by your side.

But what if that person made your problem their own and took responsibility for finding a solution as well as being there for you whenever you needed it? You should always choose the person who will stand by your side and give you the great assistance and help you need, even though the first person who suggested information to you was undoubtedly not a bad person. 

Customer satisfaction: why it is important in 2023

based on the individual experiences The year 2023 is not the year in which an organisation will need to work on having customer service representatives available to respond to inquiries and complaints from customers around-the-clock. Instead, customers need someone who can actually solve their problems for them rather than just offering them suggestions or solutions, such as by using technology, an application, or a mobile phone.

If a customer calls customer services with a problem, the suggestion to go to a franchise or to another branch is not a solution; rather, it only adds to the customer's frustration. This is because the customer needs to be able to use a mobile phone application, which is why he called customer services in the first place. The customer knows himself and is not a fool to get this idea from you while paying for his phone call, calling you, and wasting his time, so moving toward the franchise or any other branch is the solution.

Instead, there are customers who require the solution. Customers who have conversations with those customer service representatives are those who silently switch to other brands or products rather than filing a complaint.

Only candidates with high profiles and recommendations from coworkers or top management are typically hired by organisations, but the most committed employees need to be trained and given skill development opportunities so that they can develop the necessary skills even if they are not fully qualified for the position.

Organizations will need to change their mindset from focusing on high-profile employees who lack education and are constantly looking to join or leave other top-ranked companies because they don't care about providing excellent customer service.

However, they offer the necessary details or respond to inquiries for businesses asked by the clients. This is not how to keep customers; rather, it is the only way to ruin the company's reputation. Without the right customer services, the company will soon face its demise in the marketplace.

Even a single dedicated employee of the company can improve the company's reputation while offering high-quality customer services. By understanding your customers' needs, you can treat them as though they were members of your own family. For example, if a customer is dining in a restaurant, you should treat them with the same level of consideration as if they were family.

If not, the business will never succeed with this strategy of only offering robotic services in 2023, regardless of whether a company manufactures thousands of products.

Customer service is the key to scaling Revenue Growth

Customer service is without a doubt the secret to boosting a company's profitability, but sadly, businesses only cry out for better customer service when they actually lack it. In the technological age of today, when everyone and everything is rushing to get things done, most businesses have very poor customer service that fails to meet the needs of their actual customers.

From personal experience, not just mine, but if you consider your own personal experience with customer service, whenever you have a problem or issue with any products or services and you approach the customer service representatives, the only thing that you get is a day with Ponds in terms of having the suggestions or information you get, when in fact you need the immediate solution to your problem.

The best example of a statement that demonstrates how poorly most businesses treat their customers is "in most business organizations." 

Why is employee satisfaction important for an organisation?

Employee satisfaction is not crucial for keeping workers at the office or for the organisation to have a higher employee retention rate, but today it is crucial to have a satisfied employee to treat your customers better.

Let's clarify with a simple example from daily life: If your brother or sister does not treat you the way that one of your best friends does, then having a relationship with them that is only based on the title of a relationship and not the fulfilment of what you actually need from that relationship will be useless.

However, you need your employees to treat your customers better because this is what the business needs to grow, and if the employees are not satisfied, they won't ever treat the customers in a better way. However, employee satisfaction is not solely dependent on a good salary because every position is better for the employer.

But for those employees who have a good salary, the better position might not be satisfying because they are constantly wanting to be a part of the action. You must use your own judgment to evaluate an employee's work and performance based on how they interact with customers.

It is not the performance evaluation given by any of the managers of the employee, and then you put in your effort to give that bonus or appreciation to the employee; rather, it should be based on the personal appreciation from the customer for the service they get.

The balance between customer service and Employee Satisfaction

The best example of a restaurant treating customers like family is Tahinis. They take the approach of treating the students like family members, and this is where the stressed-out and exhausted students come to unwind while enjoying a delicious meal. Here, they can not only order from the restaurant menu as they please but also receive the same level of care that they would receive at home.

A female Arab employee who belonged to and respected the customs has become well-known at Tahinis in recent years. For the students who come to the restaurant, she has created a setting that feels like home. Therefore, it is the ideal illustration of how to strike a balance between employee and customer satisfaction. The organisation needs commitment and hospitality more than highly skilled and well-groomed employees to maintain equilibrium.

The main skill that employees need to acquire during training is hospitality. or I could say that it is a behaviour trait that cannot be learned. Employees with hospitality traits in their behaviour or personalities should therefore be present to provide excellent customer service. Because care is not forced attention but rather priceless respect and belonging, it is the only way to achieve balance.