Life is not that unpredictable. We experience a wide range of emotions, such as happiness, anger, stress, frustration, and others. So, life is a combination of these emotions and of course part of us. The best way to be successful is to grab the Opportunity from misery. These emotions may act as an ingredient in your life, that may behave differently depending on the recipe (situation) of life.

You may have read or watched a number of articles, videos, and other posts with inspirational messages about life, success, and happiness. You want to follow the most successful people so that you can adopt their routines and achieve success in life.

It feels exciting when you see a successful person and you also want the same-

In all honesty, it is not possible!

To actually do anything in life, including cooking, eating, reading, and going out, you need motivation. Any internal or external pressure can act to serve as motivation.

These success stories have consistent hard work, hardships, and sacrifice.

We, humans, do not even welcome routine unless and until we are asked by someone to whom we are under pressure and work. Your boss is the pressure to wake up early, skip meals, and complete tasks on time.

The reality is,

If you want to be successful in life, most people today base their success on their social status and financial resources.

You might think you have to leave a 9-to-5 job. So what you need to do is come up with a business idea and start working on it. It will be based on the person who inspired you to be successful in life and who you now aspire to be like.

Simply pause here and consider whether you are prepared to leave your job?? 

And if you are willing to quit your job and invest in your business, then okay. 

But do you think you'll be able to get up early every morning like you did for your job?

Now that you don't have a boss who will tell you to show up on time and finish your work on time, and you have to work on weekends on occasion, are you prepared to do it for yourself?

Initially, you may agree that I'm sure I'll do it, and if I want to succeed in life, I'll have to do it. 

These words can be repeated thousands of times, and there may be some people who believe them. We claim a lot when we feel overly excited and motivated. But do you see any consistency in these claims of getting up early in the morning, finishing tasks on time, and even working on weekends?

Yes, we don't.

Let me give you another good example to help you see the big picture. 

There are times when we feel ill, or not feeling well, and do not want to get out of bed. However, because we work in an organization, the pressure from the boss and management forces us to go to work even when we are not feeling well. 

But what if you work on yourself and you're not feeling well and you're lying in bed? 

Will you even stand up for making yourself food? Do you consider yourself that person?

This is not for those again who work due to pressure from the family to get up early, make food for family members and all- Because if they find you doing no job, they will always have a task for you to do!

It is a big question that we do not care about our health. We do not have the courage to get out of bed, leave our gadgets and social media activities, and make it or any other healthy soup for ourselves to get rid of the sickness. 

How can we treat our dreams' health in a more healthy manner?

As a result, the only reason you should stop watching motivational and inspiring videos to work is that you will feel good seeing a successful person with a Ferrari or other items. Because you are not there and cannot even go at that level as you lack consistent motivation or pressure in your life to do something.

Those people did something because they were under pressure in their lives. 

When they were not allowed to sleep late at night, they were not allowed to escape their routines, and they chose that routine to work for their own lives as well. Believe it, there is a traumatic experience behind such success stories.

You must take the opportunity from your misery. You must seize the opportunity from your misery in order to achieve success through consistent work. 

So what do you need to do?

There is a need for sustainability in your work when you are working a 9 to 5 job and want to do something else to have more financial support and other resources, then you must choose the platform where you will work.

For example, if you start working on any platform/field with consistency, you must be patient with your work. For sure, you cannot achieve success by quitting your job and investing in yourself on one side where you are not even ready to give 100% on a daily basis.

Of course, you will work with dedication, but what matters most is consistency. You will become frustrated as a result of external environmental factors such as family, friends, and other social factors. You need to be consistent in your work, but what matters are de-motivating thoughts and the factors that have an impact on your mind.

Now what?

What you need to do is work silently for your dreams and create pathways for them so that you can work with consistency without telling anyone about the project you are working on. The project can be anything from working on your diet and mindfulness through exercise or yoga to working on a new idea through an online platform or starting a business.

When you do not show much of the changes in your life to the world, success will be on your side. Because, at the end of the day, you are a human being who cannot cope with all of society's or family members' negativity and emotions. What you need to do is work on your dream projects, including anything and everything, and avoid revealing too much about yourself to others.

You will not only get what you want in life if you do this. However, you will change into a different person who will work for himself or herself with consistency in life without the appreciation and other thoughts of those around you.

It is a waste of time to think about positive thoughts and vibes from family members or even friends when you need to work on yourself. No one else will tell you what is beneficial for you because you are the positive force for yourself.

You can work consistently and you can take breaks in your project whenever you feel good or bored in life. It is because no one is judging or watching you. 

Since you are working with consistency and sustainability, it will be easier for you to do something or get positive results. Of course, you will get positive results because you are not under the additional pressure of someone looking at you for results or the fear of failure.

When you work on something, you get the result because you are consistent on the road. This is the only formula in which you can take advantage of your misery and have a new idea or anything in your mind to achieve and work on it silently.