
Since its inception, the world has suffered for food security and improved people's living standards as nations have divided and countries have worked individually with the available resources. It is now a challenge for countries to have economic excellence through the use of those resources. However, advanced technology has provided opportunities for people to grow through the use of technology and artificial intelligence, but most of the world's case study questions can be answered through nature.

The United Nations Agriculture Organization (FAO) is working to collect data from individual countries for forest management. Because it is critical to understand that the majority of world case studies are based on food security, medicine and engineering, unemployment, people's shelter, and living standards. As a result, the essay will be based on understanding the importance of forest case studies in order to have economic excellence. In the end, there will be an opportunity to improve the utilisation of forest resources.

Food security - Priority of economic excellence

The world's most pressing issue is not poverty, but food security. It is critical to recognise that poverty is not always about a lack of food. However, food insecurity affects everyone. Using COVID-19 as an example, the major threat to the entire world was the food supply. It was the reason that, despite the precautions, restrictions were lifted because the world cannot survive without food. Farmers must work, as must food manufacturers and suppliers.

The Indus River Delta's Arabian Sea mangroves are the world's seventh-largest mangrove forest, located on the Arabian Sea coast in Pakistan's Sindh province and the Gulf of Kutch and Khambhat in Gujarat, India. Forests are a major source of edible plants and even elements for humans. They play an important role in not only providing healthy food to plants and animals but also to humans.

Forests are always found along the river's banks. Considering the Indus River, provides a forest based on animal shelter, an unlimited amount of natural honey, birds, unlimited free sand and mud, valuable trees and plants for medicine, and other purposes. It follows the Indus River, which provides a variety of seafood, pulses, fruits, and other valuable items.

The area of the Indus River Delta is 41,440 km2. It means that if the river is properly cared for, it can provide almost everything the world requires. The world's seventh-largest forest and the world's largest river can feed the entire planet. It is not producing the desired results due to negligence and mismanagement. If the world had to go into long-term lockdown for more than two or three years, this could have been the condition.

Only the forest with this massive river can provide the solution to feeding the world with minimal supervision and management because it works on its own. Since the forest is natural and has a river running through it, and can help to answer the question of global food security.

Social development - ongoing economic excellence 

Adequate resources

Another case being researched and analysed with the titles of living standards, infrastructure, and development is social development. Using a simple house as an example, it is critical to have adequate resources before pursuing better education, infrastructure, and living standards. The resources come from hardworking family members. As a result, social development, particularly in India and Pakistan, is only possible if forests are managed effectively. Hence, taking the forest as the case study can resolve the issue efficiently. 


Unemployment is a global problem, not just a local one in India. The unemployment rate in India is 8.28%, with the industrial sector accounting for the majority of jobs. Various case studies have been conducted around the world to address the issue of unemployment. It is, however, based on foreign-based companies. However, a forest management case study can provide an unlimited number of job opportunities in various departments such as fishing, farming, supply chain, and export.

It will not only solve the nation's unemployment problem, but it will also be able to hire people from all over the world. As a result, it is a chance for the world's unemployment problem.

GDP growth

Along with food security, it addresses the issue of unemployment; however, it is important to remember that the country is agriculturally based and cannot be fully industrialised. It will fail miserably. There is a need to rely specifically on agriculture, particularly forests and the Indus River Delta, to grow in tandem with technological development. Industrialization can help to increase forest production and exports. It will, in turn, increase the country's overall GDP, which is the ultimate requirement for social development.


When a country's food production increases, the country's chances of exporting increase. As a result of the lower investment in the forests, the country's earnings will rise. To achieve unlimited output, there is minimal investment in a workforce and limited resources. As a consequence, forests will resolve the issue of the poor infrastructure in the country and have a better living standard while getting the opportunity for better education and infrastructure.


However, there is no doubt about the importance of forests in resolving most of the world's case studies because it is critical to work on the world's seventh-largest forest in India, as well as the world's largest river beside Seth, which can provide resources for food security, employment, and other benefits not only for the country but for the entire world.

As a result, rather than moving on to different case studies to solve with the help of technology or artificial intelligence, nature provides a natural way to ensure food security and shelter for everyone on the planet through this massive option of forest management with the Indus river delta.

Focusing on being an agricultural country will benefit more than just the country. However, it will benefit the entire world by recognising the true value of forests and resolving the majority of the case studies from around the world. Because the majority of case studies around the world are related to food, medicine, shelter, and people's standard of living. Since forest management, it is possible to resolve almost every question in the case study in an efficient and cost-effective manner.


In conclusion, a forest plays an important role in answering many of the world's case studies, such as food security, medicine, engineering, unemployment, and the living standards of people all over the world. Forests not only provide solutions for people living in a specific area, but they can also resolve issues for people living all over the world. The mangrove forest in India, along with the Indus River Delta, provides the majority of the opportunities to have resources and resolve the issues of most case studies and provide the solution to the problems of the world around.