Report (Sample)

Case study

The mid-sized company chosen is based on its ability to provide an e-commerce website. Customers have access to a variety of products and can purchase any product through online ordering. Because it is an e-commerce company, it is based on the availability of various products such as household and other related products such as home and garden, consumer electronics and accessories.

In a business where management has limited employees' freedom to express their ideas, the leadership style is autocratic. The management or higher authority is the only one who can participate in making the best decision.

(see we have used the case study while keeping in view the idea of Alibaba but we have taken it as a medium size company so that we can analyze its performance)

Identify the key characteristics of the company and its market context - Business SWOT analysis to become a global service business



In today's modern world, the strength of the business is based solely on the use of an e-commerce platform. It is necessary to comprehend the significance of having an e-commerce platform. We will be expanded once the company has access to an unlimited number of customers or consumers worldwide. The company's main strength is based on its use of an e-commerce platform that is accessible to customers all over the world.

Also, because every business is different. organisations must adopt a leadership style that is appropriate for the business concept (Zhao et al., 2018). The business is based on an autocratic leadership style, which is good for the business to understand the needs and demands of the customers and then make changes; the employers can make suggestions but cannot participate in decision-making due to the business's style.

Another strength of the company is that it is using an e-commerce platform at a time when many businesses are closing due to the lockdown and climate change conditions. It is critical for the business to pursue the ongoing process going concern concept, as this is the company's main strength. because it adheres to the concept of providing opportunities for businesses to grow through e-commerce. As a result, regardless of the circumstances, the company will grow.

Because the company has an e-commerce platform, it has the opportunity to gain global customer loyalty. It is based on a website that is also accessible via the application for an unlimited number of customers.

It also gives you the opportunity to understand where customers can go for online shopping. Whenever there is a bad situation caused by the weather or another factor.



The main disadvantage of using an e-commerce platform is there because so many customers prefer to shop in-store. It is not a good option for those customers to browse products online and then order them at their doorstep. Similarly, there will be new competitors on the online platform. As a result, having the challenges across is another weakness for the business.

The threat to a business is based on the physical presence of stores with very similar products to buy while having the physical appearance of the product as well as the threat of a newcomer. As a result, entrepreneurs are devising new ideal marketing strategies to attract more customers.

The threat to the business is present when it is operating on the online platform because there are numerous issues such as consistency with spam, viruses, and spies (Liu et al., 2021). It includes having a quick response to websites so that it does not take long to open any of the products on the customers' lists and they never return to websites that take a long time to load. A timely response is important for the business because it can become a significant opportunity (Chiu and Cho, 2019). However, if it is not handled properly, it can become a threat to the organization's goodwill.

Customer want to have the shopping through the online platform but there are customers who are afraid of using their credit card information on the different platforms due to their sensitive financial data.

It is also critical to recognise the thread of various entrepreneurs working together. Even at the most basic level, today's strategies are primarily based on understanding the needs of customers in order to have great dealings and bonds with customers. so that they personally have a better customer relationship. and it is actually growing their business while having a significant negative impact on the business operating at a higher level.



Suggest a brief Corporate Plan for the firm, for the next 12-24 months

Business corporate plan for 12 to 24 months

Business corporate plan is more critical than the traditional way as it include IDEAS and SCALE effort to understand both internal and external challenges. The business corporate plan to be exponential firm is essential to make but there is a need to have the critical evaluation of both internal and external to the sticks in order to make the better plan (Ismail 2014).

Internal Characteristics

First 12 months should be given to the internal characteristics to be evaluated and understood. Also, it will follow the external characteristics as well.


the business interface is based on essentially understanding the needs of the customers and then designing the website accordingly, so that customers can easily reach out to the prescribed or any data Product


The dashboard is primarily used to comprehend customer feedback as well as staff member suggestions (Mahdikhani and Yazdani, 2020). As a result, it is critical to conduct internal evaluations every third month so that real suggestions and feedback from customers and employees can be provided to make the business more effective.


Li (2019) in the e-commerce business, experimentation with marketing strategies to reach out to different customers is important. The marketing strategy must be updated every six months in order to attract customers and make them aware that they exist in the market.



The business has a good leadership style based on the autonomous style, which is the critical leadership of the leader fully giving himself or herself the authority to make business decisions, so it is better to spend time with the business and then make the strategy.


Being socially responsible is important for business (Widiandita and Ketut, 2020). Giving value to products relating to words such as a green environment and other strategies can thus improve the internal environment of the business, so there should be a strategy for at least the next five years so that it can be achieved and shared.


External Characteristics

External character has a higher value and is therefore more necessary to consider and work on to gain profitability and market goodwill.

Staff members

Staff members play a significant role there, and the first three months of each year should be dedicated to them.


Community / crowd

Karine (2021) they can become dedicated and skilled enough for the customers based on their needs and demands, and the communities where the customers live must be taken into account. The business can understand the product's need and customer demand based on the community or crowd present for the business's product.


Every six months, the business algorithm is required to evaluate and comprehend the performance. However, performance evaluation is also important for understanding where the e-commerce business can go in terms of sales volume increases as well as liabilities.

Leased assets

Businesses that do not want to have leased assets are currently forming healthy collaborations with all of the different brands in order to offer their product to the commissioner to the website business.


Customers and society must be engaged, which is only possible with better connectivity with the customers. Products must be available everywhere in the world to meet the needs of the customers. According to Smith (2020) there is a need for genuine bonding, which can only be achieved through a better marketing strategy. It is also founded on providing superior services.


Shared value chain – Initiatives for modalities and impact on economy and society

Redefining business productivity

The redefinition of productivity in the business is based on the productivity of the employees. Because workers are the most important factors in the company, the company is solely based on e-commerce platforms such as a website. It makes no mention of the product's or services physical presence (Kramer and Porter, 2011). As a result, there is a better work environment through the online platform where the workers who work in an office to provide services to customers where they need to have an online ordering of the products that they have with the good.

Product redefinition has a greater impact on the economy and society as a whole (Tobon and García-Madariaga, 2021). Because productivity redefinition is based on understanding the needs of customers before developing another strategy based on providing better products and services, On the other hand, the redefining product is also based on providing workers with a more positive and efficient work environment.

When the employees of any company are satisfied and motivated enough, they will have a great time at work. Because they will also provide a better time for society and their families. As a result, it will have a positive impact on the country's society and economy.

Relationship with customers

When they do not have good relationships with their customers, the business cannot grow effectively. As a result of the activity, there is a need to understand the word person so that they can feel motivated and satisfied at work and can go for understanding the better relationship.

Reconceiving the product and service

It is critical for any business to achieve its vision and gather objective evidence based on employee and customer satisfaction. As a result, understanding the shared value chain is critical in order to create value for the business. Understanding societal needs such as safety, environmental impact, education, health, learning, disability, and housing is critical.

When any organisation is moving toward a better understanding of the product's redesign. It is to create value for society, so the product should be based on any commission or portion to be donated for the welfare of disabled people or the education or health of the country's people.

It is critical that the products offered to customers are suitable for their needs. The concept of society as a concept of shared value will also have a greater impact on the minds of the people working to meet the needs of the customer (Gao and Liu, 2020). As a result, there is a need to understand the communities living below the poverty line or who are neglected for some reason so that an online platform can create market-based solutions for problems in society that are known but not highlighted enough to resolve them.

Local cluster development

Local cluster development is critical for any business. It will be impossible for the company to grow on an international scale if it does not have local customers to satisfy. However, no such concepts of local cluster development exist. It is critical for the company to stay in touch.

The company is responsible for creating shared value opportunities so that local people can get job opportunities and can also have a positive impact on society through its business.

Essentially, it is based on having the economic clustering or cluster initiator capable of capturing the attention of consultants, government, and the Academy. They understand that if the online platform offers discounts on books and other educational materials or healthy items, the government will also contribute so that they can be a part of our organisation.

Business risk parameters – Critical analysis

There are various risk parameters associated with the e-commerce business. And the E-Commerce craze has taught businesses to think about the majority of their risks. Because it is critical to understand how important digital commerce is for different companies and industries to use in order for the global economy to survive, but there are risks associated with using those digital forms as well.

Economic uncertainty

There is no doubt that E-Commerce has an impact because products are available on the online platform. However, if there is a state of lockdown all over the world or in a specific area, it is impossible to ensure a better supply chain. It is also a challenge for the mid-sized company because there are so many challenges for the company not being the largest and having fewer resources to ensure a better supply chain for the customers.

When there is a website or application available for users, it is the most important risk parameter to analyse and evaluate when moving into the E-Commerce business. However, it is critical that the product be sold to so many customers all over the world because it is critical to have the customers selling while understanding the economics certainly timely.

Selling through one channel

There is a significant risk. With There is a significant risk. With E-commerce is a single channel through which a product can be sold, whether via a website or an application. Because it is a medium-sized business, the website must be checked on a regular basis in order to function properly.

Running out of the stock

There is no doubt that any mid-sized company can run out of stock due to a high demand from customers for a specific product. As a result, it is the risk parameter that is a challenge for the business to understand and fulfil.

Human error

It is common in the online platform for businesses that use E-Commerce that providing or shipping the incorrect order to the wrong person or customer can be a human error. It can be aggravating for both the person who receives the order and the other person and customer who does not receive the product on time. There is a needle to be pushed in order to have a timely valuation, but it is a major risk parameter for the digital commerce business.

World-class customer experience

E-commerce is available to any individual, small, medium, or large business. As a result, any company's customer experience should be world-class. Because even a small company, that is offering product shipment to any part of the world can do so without requiring the customers' participation while shipping the order on time and with the same quality.

Order management

For medium-sized businesses that sell their products all over the world via their website or online platform. Because of the large number of orders from various countries and customers, the major risk is based on order management. It is difficult to manage orders and understand feedback or complaints about orders being delayed.

Business leadership plan for 12 to 24 months

For any organisation, leadership plays a critical role in understanding the true performance of the business as well as the performance of the workers so that it can be evaluated where they need to have training or any other changes in the organisation or at the workplace. So the main strategy for the business organisation is based on understanding the needs and demands of the customers who place orders while viewing the products online.

It is necessary to have charismatic and democratic leadership. However, the current leadership style is based on an autocratic style in which most decisions are made by top management without taking into account the suggestions of employees or workers. Although it has been stated that there is worker involvement, in the end, decision making is done by top management, implying that there is currently no such worker involvement.




1-      6 months

Changing leadership style and staff recruitment

Charismatic leadership

There is a requirement for the leadership to interact with the workers. Because it is an online platform, the most traditional way of having an autocratic style of leadership will not work for the website or application where customers from all over the world are placing their orders. It is a business opportunity that can also increase customer involvement. and it will soon have better investors as well, so that the company can become a corporation that works on a global scale.

However, this is only possible if the company is committed to pursuing a change in its autocratic leadership style. It is the traditional leadership style in which the leaders were directive in nature and told the workers what to do and when they needed to change their working methods. However, it is critical to recognise that workers are the front players for the organisation, particularly for digital platform workers, who know the true responsiveness and needs of the customers.



Modern leadership style

The modern style of leadership requires teamwork with worker participation, so that workers who are efficient enough can provide feedback and participate in decision making. because they actually understand the needs and demands of the customers and, through complaint, suggest answers. They are also gaining a true picture of the business so that they can recommend specific changes to it that will be beneficial.
Instead of a traditional autocratic leadership style, a democratic leadership style with modern techniques is required to form efficient team members who can actually assist each other while understanding the needs and demands of the customers. Various organisations work hard to keep their customers informed and to resolve their queries and complaints as soon as possible so that the organisations do not have any complaints from them.

7 – 14 months

Training, and Team management

Thus, 12 to 24 months are required for the planning of staff member recruitments, the training of staff members, and the implementation of a better leadership style at the workplace to form a better team.

It is critical for the organisation to first identify the staff members who are truly skilled and qualified for the specific job description. It should not be based solely on a mail-in request for the degree documents. However, keep in mind that there are different competitors, even if they lack a degree or efficiency. However, there is a need for masterminds who work on online platforms where they can be a part of the organisation and understand the market's needs. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the potential of each employee thoroughly.


15 – 24 months

Modern leadership style with an efficient team

Once the first six months are spent on the recruitment and orientation of the staff members, the remaining six months will be used to form teams based on different scales, such as a call centre, which should be given to individuals who are efficient in communication.

Other departments, such as order placement, should be given to staff members who understand the calculations and account maintenance so that their skills can be used effectively and they can also help each other. The cycle will be repeated, and the organisation will benefit from working throughout the year and continuing the activities to see a better outcome. The last six months of the year will be dedicated to ensuring that each department has been managed in a productive way and that the organisation is prepared for any challenges it may face.



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