Social media has changed the norms in both direct and indirect ways. It has impacted the lives of the people a lot, more specifically, Girls/Women than Boys/Men.

Still men have same routine to study, do job, having friends (of course, both girls and boys) and marrying to get have a balanced life. But, in the name of freedom for rights, independence and equality, lives of Girls/Women have changed in both positive and negative ways. 

We, of course, don't have the right to judge anyone. So, we must analyze and evaluate the change took place after internet/social media-

Let's do it!

Till 90s, it was the custom for men to study hard, have a routine, earn and support the family. It was also for the married or single women to get up early, pray, and prepare breakfast for the family. But now, even the mother sleeps for half the day while the husband and children are ignored. It is admirable that men may still practice the same routines anywhere in the world.

It's uncommon to see a single or married woman wake up with a plan for the day that includes planning a healthy diet, sewing something, cleaning the house, doing any job, and imparting moral lessons to children. 

Instead, we have our women living as daughters, sisters, and wives who sleep for almost half the day, act as though they know how to act like a Western, order food online instead of cooking, eat only pasta or noodles, and have no idea how to take care of the family. 

Before social media, women were more empowered in their personal lives. I am not sure how women find it a freedom when they have a really bad life. They work in the office all day, feed unhealthy to herself and family, do no physical activity, have no time to spend with family and friends. 

They are now doing both the jobs slavery of family in the name of relationship and job in the name of freedom. They must have been experiencing exhausted life- 

They cannot take care of the person merely suffering from flu but she can advise going to the hospital. They teach kids useless lessons about humanity and instead encourage pointless competition to make kids attractive so that she can make other people envious while, of course, spending all the money she can get her hands on.

Despite having so many issues, our mothers, and grand mothers knew how to save money- You have freedom to live then you must be more skilled enough than caged old school women. 

Today, you can only find women screaming about "Inflation" (High prices) starting from their father or husband earning around 200,000 to 50,000 a month. The moral of the story is, today's woman is unable to save with a lot of excuses.

This is story of almost every community or country around the globe-This is the one reason why children lack the proper learning from parents and become indisciplined-

All this does not represent that women or girls are bad in their practices but they have social media influenced life where such routine/act is a class!

Internet, Yahoo!, MSN ........

People's lives before the internet and social media were different. There was a time when people had few connections. They valued their relationship, which lasted almost a lifetime.

Rules and guidelines for leading a balanced life had already been created. These laws and rules were based on the customs and behaviors of a specific society, including its religious practices and sense of identity.

Life was actually based on the norms of the specific area, such as getting an education, not getting an education, only religious education, getting married, having children, or doing a specific job or any business based on what society wants-

Every country's or community's life is unique due to its unique cultural identity and values. Everyone is aware that he or she belongs to a specific area, community, or religion, and that he or she is bound to be within those boundaries.

So, every person's decision-making was based on the rules and regulations of the identity he or she possessed. The majority of the decisions were for work, marriage, and religious activities.

Does it exist today? NO!

Then came the age of social media, when people began to connect with one another. First, from my personal experience, there was an unusual excitement about having connectivity with different people around the globe. With the help of different social media platforms such as chat rooms, including Yahoo Messenger and MSN, there was an option for people to stay connected with one another.

People with unique values and practices in a single community or in a particular area were no longer bound to that area as social media became a part of their lives.

People started communicating with each other and sharing their practices and values of life using the internet platform. With the passage of time, they got different questions and brainstorming comments from each other.

Slowly, it changed the minds of the people to no longer rely on a single practice or community, rather, they secretly admired each other's views and practices and then became friends over the online social media platform.

You would agree with me,

The Western way of life was admired and valued. The standard speaking style became English, and western hairstyles, clothing, and food became the true values of life.

It is a time when people's perspectives have really changed-

Most decisions are based on the influence of social media on and in everyone's life. The traditional way of life was based on including family or community values and norms in daily life. Western or neighbouring countries now wield significant power in every corner of the globe. 

The decisions of life are based on now the syllabus in education from west, your children don't know the national information but western styles, clothing style influenced from west again, and relationship  style.

So, it is now different than before.

But, you want your children/youngsters to do a job based on your suggestion, why? Also, marrying the person you choose, how?

It can happen but remember forced education or job will bring child towards depression and stress- Marrying with a emotional backmailing of parents will destroy both the lives. 

There is a need for people to understand, before making decisions for their family members, that now is not the time to make decisions based on cultural values and norms because those values and norms are not being practiced in their personal life.

The lives of the y and z generations are shaped by western influences. 

Let's accept it.

Why are we fighting over the things we most admire? We have asked our children now to talk in English, walk in English- Well, it is a proverb in my area. 

West really have a good culture-Lets demonstrate!

They take care of their children as a responsibility till 18 with no such physical or verbal abuse (maybe a bit). They set free their children to choose study area and make friends. They never harass children to listen them but advice them to avoid any habit they have. They happily listen to the job/business choices of the children. They welcome the decision their children take to choose a life partner. Even they allow children to live together while sharing expenses.

Now have an analysis over Narrow-minded communities-

We have given our children social media expecting them to get an education or learn science only. Is it practical? No, it is not true, and even the parents are aware of this.

Your children are different from your culture now.

Today, children take it as an insult if their parents do not follow the western style.

Parents teach their children to act in a western or European manner.

When you base your child's life on western standards through media, that child is actually adopting the entire western culture.

When your child realises how beautiful and handsome he or she is, it is human nature to be conscious of one's appearance because everyone is watching.

Your child will have friends at the school, college and university level because of cross-gender attraction. Some members of the reserved culture exhibit openness toward adopting the western culture, including speaking and dressing in English only. Funny to narrate but true!

We educated you and now you are arguing with us! 

You are giving wings to a bird but that bird is not allowed to fly- You will tell where to fly, how long to fly, when to fly and what to look in the sky. Is it practical? Again NO! 

When it comes to making life decisions, the child is pressured to go against his or her wishes. Parents say "look, this is not our cultural norm."

You've raised the child and are now telling them to behave in a western manner.

For conservative communities, children are actually considered as the property, they own!

When a child begins to act and think like a Westerner, a problem occurs. It is not that West is bad but you have different culture. Asians and members of other communities are now concerned when their kids don't listen to them. Because they have not learned to live a culturally based life, parents are ruining their children's lives.

Why are you asking your daughters and sisters to get educated based on your choice and marry the person you want?

The Y generation was perplexed and listened to their parents. But Z's generation is going to blow the minds of their parents now. They are going to change the way the world treats children. They are going to be independent, soon!