Discuss how the abilities or knowledge you have gained during Nursing? 

Antibacterial spray should be used in the workplace to ensure that both patients' and visitors' lives as well as the nurses' are not in danger. A clean and hygienic environment also plays a key role in preventing the nurse from contracting harmful diseases and infections in the workplace. The role of proper cleaning and hygiene is to protect not only the patient's dignity but also the nurse from contracting harmful diseases and infections at work.

A nurse's knowledge of how the environment affects the health of both patients and staff helps to prevent health problems related to primary care and the environment. In order to create a safe and healthy environment in which to work and effectively care for patients, I learned to screen the environment. This involved determining whether it is safe and whether antibacterial spray or other materials should be used. A healthy environment and everyone's health from disease can only be maintained if the environment is in good condition.

It is impossible for the nursing staff to work with dedication without a safe environment. Because hygiene is a major lesson I've learned from this situation, a nurse cannot work there if they are not healthy enough and comfortable in their surroundings.

Two Assertive Strategies during Nursing?

Self-awareness and Opportunity

It improves self-awareness, which is essential for creating a deeper understanding. It offers the chance to sort through experiences and take into account various interpretations that might be possible. It enables one to identify one's own strengths and weaknesses and use them as a guide going forward. Both teaching methods aid in helping students understand new concepts or events; one improves self-awareness while the other enables students to experience new things, analyse them, and attempt to remember information.

It's critical to realise that obtaining a quality experience depends on being aware of one's own needs and demands at work. As a nurse, it is your responsibility to comprehend the type of environment and issues present and how to manage them while presenting yourself as knowledgeable about the problems and opportunities that are presented to use and improve the environment.

The possible positive outcome for conflicts 

Bolster your abilities (skills) and ongoing problem-solving

These are the conflict's two fruitful outcomes. Whenever a nurse works in a setting where there are numerous issues that arise and the staff uses their skills to address them. Therefore, problem solving is done continuously at work, which is very important not only for the patients but also for the working staff and management. Since resolving issues relating to patients and staff in hospitals, and in particular patient care, depends on understanding the requirements of the equipment and approaching problems from various angles.

The nursing staff and other staff members, including the management and doctors, were also worked so that they can provide a better environment for the patients and the workers where their confidence and productivity will eventually increase. Eventually, it will increase the skills of the people to work in an effective way. The patients and staff's life have been changing and improving since they enter the hospital, due to the way of organizing their daily work.

During the learning process, I realised that incorporating constructive conflict is the most crucial element. Because it will boost productivity, which is based on the issues that come up when working in various situations. Similar to this, it will train staff members, especially nursing staff, in problem-solving and solution-proposing techniques, creating a more favourable work environment.

Reflection on Learning during Nursing (This is the sample format for your learning during the class, you can read and follow the format)

Many people have expressed a desire to avoid staying in hospitals when the need to do so has arisen due to an emergency. However, they want to get out of there quickly. There have been many instances where the patient was ready to go home after receiving treatment, including the one case mentioned here. When the parents agreed to the 14-year-old child's stay, the hospital wanted a 24-hour stay to allow for observation.

It is normal for a child to feel frustrated by having to stay in the hospital, but the child was not ready. A 14-year-old is not an adult who takes grievances seriously or who is capable of understanding the negative effects that can result from failing to act upon an observation. I took into account the need to develop a stronger bond with patients in order for them to feel secure and safe in the surroundings that are available to them. Since we got along better and I convinced him he would be entertained for the full 24 hours and wouldn't get bored, he agreed to stay for at least that long so I could observe him.

Therefore, it helped me realise how important it is to have better relationships with both the patient and the patient's family in addition to providing the patient with better medication and treatment. Due to various family members' cases, the eight do not feel comfortable staying in the hospital for an extended period of time, so they try to stay away from it. However, once you have a stronger bond with the patient's family, it is much simpler to communicate with them and persuade them to stay to watch their loved one receive treatment in the hospital.

Three factors when communicating with adolescents during health care

A person's level of physical and mental health are assessed since it's crucial to consider adult communication in particular while considering the adults' mental capacity.

The three things I took into consideration when speaking with teenagers were respective responsibility and integrity. It is important to understand that adults can be better communicated with by using polite words and deeds. As a result, it is based on verbal and nonverbal interaction with adult patients while acknowledging their suffering and needs.

Additionally, it is causing them to realise that the nurses do care and understand. Similar to this, it is your duty to ascertain their needs before treating them. In order to prevent anything worse from happening, it is important to understand the medical history as well as any mental level of stress that is experienced as a result of having any anxiety related to treatment or medication.

Working ethically extends beyond the requirements of polite behaviour and effective communication. it is to comprehend the person's needs while also comprehending their mental capacity. It is important to be honest with the patient, but this doesn't mean that you have to be afraid to tell them about any infections or deadly diseases they may be carrying. However, it is to move in the direction of being sincere about getting better care and recovery with time so that the person who is admitted to the hospital can feel at ease and respected.

Self awareness during Nursing

For better professional work, the nursing staff's communication should be based on a killer sense of respect, integrity, and self-awareness. Understanding the demands and needs of the treatment and care of the patients, it is to engage the patient population and alter behaviour where necessary. The nurse must have self-awareness in order to evaluate her or his ability to provide care for the patient and to comprehend those needs as well.

Therefore, it is crucial that the nursing staff at the five hotel understand that there may be any changing situations in which they will have to deal with the physical needs of the patients in order to provide them with treatment. Also, to comprehend the mental strain they have been under while receiving treatment for their illnesses.

Therefore, it cannot be said that a nursing staff member's illness will prevent them from giving better care and treatment. However, self-awareness gives the nursing staff a road map so that a nurse can ultimately understand the level of stress and anxiety he or she may exhibit while caring for the patient and also modify the behaviour as necessary to maintain a healthy work environment.

Importance of Engagement for a Nurse

As stated, it's important to understand that a person who has the disease is going through or has likely already gone through a very stressful situation that will alter their life for the foreseeable future. Understanding the patient's mental capacity is crucial because the nursing staff's commitment is not dependent on gathering the patient's medical history and starting treatment right away. However, it is to give the patient a mental health environment so that both the nursing staff and the patient can collaborate in a better environment.

Only when the patient is secure enough to place their trust in the nursing staff, who are the medical professionals, can a mental health setting be established. Engagement is crucial to creating an atmosphere where the patient can fully disclose her past experiences or any traumatic situations she has encountered in her life.

Case study: 65 years old Maxine. She has been taking a variety of medications for the past five years to treat her chronic heart failure. She went to see her doctor today because she's been having trouble breathing while walking. The doctor decides to switch one of Maxine's medications as a result of the review. It's crucial that Maxine is aware of this modification and any potential side effects. You are working with the practise nurse while completing a clinical placement. 

Briefly describe what you or the practise nurse would do to make sure Maxine is "safe" with the medication change.

8. The primary move a nursing staff should make to ensure that Maxine is in a safe environment is to work towards understanding her predicament. It is crucial to understand that both physical and mental conditions can result in chronic heart failure. Because it represents a stressful life. Therefore, it is crucial to comprehend what constitutes stressful situations in addition to any medication changes. She has been going through in order to establish a trusting relationship with the patient and change the medication in accordance with the patient's life changes.

For SSRI, the medication can be altered while also incorporating some beta blockers (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor). This will be based on giving the patient the right combination so that she can eventually get over the stressful situations she is going through in her life and change to more physical activities while incorporating relaxation techniques like meditation. Given her advanced age of 65, it is crucial to incorporate relaxation techniques like physiotherapy and meditation.

Patients with diverse culture

It's crucial to recognise that patients or clients from diverse cultural backgrounds have different expectations when dealing with them. Because they might become aware of their unfavourable attitudes as a result of their past encounters, allowing for cross-cultural communication. It is crucial to uphold manners because each culture has its own standards for how to greet people and behave. Avoid speaking loudly, even if it is customary in your own culture.

It is thought to be a good thing, but on the flip side, remembering to take into account patients from different cultural backgrounds and refrain from speaking out loud will be crucial and have a positive effect. As a result, we must always speak slowly to the patient, keep things straightforward, and avoid asking the patient too many questions that might confuse them. Therefore, having cross-cultural communication involves practising active listening with the patient when the patient should be allowed to speak without interaction.

In a similar vein, the patient should be asked open-ended questions about the various cultural environments. Because it will give them the freedom to make their own decisions and express how they feel in accordance with the treatment's requirements. Additionally, it is best to refrain from asking patients closed-ended questions that give them a list of options to select from because this may come across as rigid or impolite to them. When the person is not prepared to select from the available options and instead has a different opinion regarding the question.

Side effects of Elderspeak

10. Elderspeak is a term for an age-appropriate communication style that employs sing-song pitch, a limited vocabulary, shortened syntax, and slow speech. Since it assumes the older person has cognitive difficulties, this is regarded as being disrespectful and patronising. Three adverse effects of using Elderspeak are, for instance: a. They sense being talked down to: The majority of elderly people have mental illnesses like dementia and Alzheimer's.

Younger generations' attitudes toward older people and issues change significantly as their knowledge of new technologies and their interests diversify.

When someone talks down to elderly people who are dealing with mild to severe mental disorders, their level of cooperation decreases. Increased rates of depression are a result of elderly people being exposed to elderspeak, which is patronising and reduces their ability to perform tasks. Elderspeak makes elderly people feel disrespected, humiliated and treated like children, which lowers their self-esteem and makes them feel depressed.

Two barriers and two strategies for teamwork to minimise burden

11. In order to create a positive working environment, the nursing profession depends on better communication with both the patients and the staff. On the other hand, there is a need for strong leadership that can inspire others, foster trust, and inspire greater confidence in their abilities.

Therefore, poor communication and ineffective listening are the main conflicts that make it difficult for the medical staff to provide the best care possible for the patients. These are the two most important problems that need to be addressed in order for the hospital to offer a better working environment to all employees, including nursing staff.

Hospital management should treat the working staff members with respect and integrity, and this requires charismatic leadership. It is to give them a better environment and opportunities where they can feel confident that higher management will pay attention to their needs and complaints. It is impossible to provide patients with effective care when the leadership is based on a dictatorship style and is unable to listen to or along to listen to the working staff members, particularly the nursing staff.

Being unable to communicate effectively with staff members and patients is a major barrier to effective working. Since verbal and nonverbal communication can have a positive impact on the working environment and the patient's recovery, nursing staff should be trained to understand its true importance. Therefore, these two tactics are based on giving the working staff, especially the nurses, charismatic leadership. Additionally, it is based on giving employees training so they can understand the value of good communication.