The solved sample is the project plan based on a case study where you can learn how to include the steps.

PROJECT PLAN - Case Study - Giverly

First, you need to write the introduction to give the idea that what you are going to write in the project.


The "consumer behaviour analysis" for Giverly is the basis for the project. It is to assess the data and context provided by the client. In terms of business operations, the project places a strong emphasis on context analysis, both internal and external. Similar to this, Giverly's current information system and the necessary technology-based strategy are included in the project in order to succeed in both domestic and international markets. As a result, the project has a Gantt chart for the timeline and detailed roles for each team member. Studies can be done to determine the current state of the art with respect to a particular topic.

Client & Context - Overview

Clients depend on the company's ability to sell them goods or brands from various companies. Additionally, different products are sold to different customers and consumers. To capture the market, there are 500 different brand partners from every sector, though. However, it is crucial to understand customer behaviour in order to fulfil their actual needs or desires. As a result, the current business model is based on selling various products or brands to various customers.

Internal and External Context (Business operations)

Similar to this, the client is selling various brands to meet the needs and demands of the customers in the internal context. Businesses are developing strategies for global expansion in light of the external environment. As a result, Giverly is the largest commerce company, with tens of thousands of users, retailers, and companies. It offers customers a wide variety of brands in its brand portfolio.

Giverly – Business Structure

Giverly is concentrated on providing the platform for various brands or companies to sell the product and make a profit, in contrast to other organisations' business-to-consumer structures (Ritter & Pedersen 2020, p. 5). Business doesn't use a retailer-based strategy to give consumers products or brands. Instead, it offers a platform for other companies to share and sell their brands or products.

Problem, Objective & Deliverables - Problem / client’s needs

The client must have the chance to market or draw in customers more effectively for the various market brands. Although there are numerous brands from various industries available to consumers, it is necessary to have the correct data or consumer information. It is necessary to evaluate consumer behaviour before presenting brands or products (Chen et al., 2018).

Therefore, evaluating or analysing the various consumer behaviours is the client's main point of contention. To accomplish this, it is advised to target consumers' brand preferences among those of various businesses or industries. Understanding the goal of the business and incorporating the Stanford design thinking process are crucial.

Purpose of the project

  • to evaluate the consumer's shopping habits while analysing their behaviour creating value for society in order to make every brand available to it To guarantee the consumers receive high-quality products to identify solutions for the requirements and concerns of users or consumers to offer various businesses/brands the best channel through which to market their goods to potential customers to support every company equally in order to give them the best chance to sell their goods
  • Building or developing better future commercial infrastructure to support business activities to assist brands or businesses in achieving their main goal, which is to sell products To increase the organization's effectiveness and efficiency instead of using a single brand identity, to introduce new business concepts while also introducing various brands from various industries

Project worth for the Client

The project will find a solution for the client's understanding of consumer behaviour when using any brand associated with any company or industry. Understanding consumer needs and demands is a key requirement for the client. As a result, the specific project will enable the client to adjust their strategy as necessary.

Existing Information Systems and Technologies

  • Giverly's current information system is based on cloud AI. Giverly deals with 500 brands from various industries to draw customers to one location. To meet the needs and demands of consumers, various brands exist. Business needs to expand internationally, so it needs to have the right information about consumer behaviour (Kumar et al., 2020, p. 3) The client's current concept is best suited to the market to serve as a platform for various brands and establish a reputation as the dominant player in the industry. Based on their observations or recommendations, consumer behaviour varies depending on the brand. To further develop its strategy, Giverly needs to analyse the market using consumer behaviour when purchasing a particular brand of product.
  • The company currently uses micro-targeted promotions to better understand user needs and increase sales. Analysis of consumer feedback, especially from loyal customers, is necessary for management. Feedback can be used to better understand consumer needs so that brands can cater to them (Pedersen et al., 2020, p. 2) The company currently deals with a variety of brands, so it is built on an online platform to offer those brands to customers around the world. The opinions of the consumers may have an impact on the client. If customers are not satisfied, they may give other customers negative feedback.

Stakeholders and Communications



Communication Plan








Investors are interested in both internal and external business growth. Going global with business expansion and making internal decisions based on the team's or project manager's analysis are crucial for growth.

Interest in project

Project manager, team members and stakeholders

Personal check-in meeting and email


Stakeholders will invest to go for the analysis of buying behaviour of consumers


Project manager, team members and stakeholders

Questionnaire, interviews and personal analysis


Stakeholders are interested in the company's plans and actions, particularly with regard to its use of technology.


Project manager/team members and stakeholders

data analytics using a cloud-based AI strategy. Consumer data can be collected using an AI chip. feedback from customers obtained through online platforms (such as social media), online surveys, and in-person interviews


Once consumer behaviour has been examined, it will be possible to develop appropriate strategies in response, which will boost profitability (Sivaraj et al., 2020, p. 4). Every stakeholder is worried about the company's policies and practises. They are therefore very interested in making decisions. The analysis of consumer behaviour is crucial in order to make informed decisions.

Level of interest

Stakeholders / project manager

Personal check-in meetings with stakeholders


Roles and Responsibilities

Project manager

The primary duty of the project manager is to ensure that every task is being completed in accordance with the instructions and the stated plan (Dwivedi et al., 2021, p. 4). Additionally, in Giverly, he or she will take care of the team members working on the daily analysis of consumer behaviour. Both new hires and current employees will be chosen and recruited.

Product Owner

The responsibility of the product owner is to engage in marketing to elicit feedback from potential customers (Saura et al. 2020, p. 5). It is necessary for the product owner to pique people's interest through an effective marketing and advertising campaign. Giving Giverly the incentive to carry the most popular brand on the market Therefore, the owner of the product should spread the word about the item that is popular and has received favourable reviews from customers.

Domain Expert (Collecting information from consumers)

Collecting data or information from consumers for their shopping experiences is the main area of expertise or interest. Thus, it is simple to design the map and come up with a strategy for the future's success once the data has been gathered.

Customer Representative

Every day, customer service representatives assess how consumers perceive and behave (Qiao & Yin 2021, p. 3). Thus, he or she is the one who is aware of the consumer reaction to or feedback on the specific brand or product. Giverly will assign a customer representative to examine how customers behave when purchasing goods from any brand or sector.

Lead Business Analyst

500 brands from various industries make up the basis of business today. To pursue the business entity's international expansion, it must have the right strategy, though. Such an idea, which would create a single platform for various brands from different industries, is required on a global scale. In order to conduct a comparative analysis of past and present performance, Giverly will have a lead business analyst in a team.

Works Cited

Chen, C. C., Chen, C. W., & Tung, Y. C. (2018). Exploring the consumer behavior of intention to purchase green products in belt and road countries: An empirical analysis. Sustainability10(3), 854.

Dwivedi, Y. K., Ismagilova, E., Rana, N. P., & Raman, R. (2021). Social media adoption, usage and impact in business-to-business (B2B) context: A state-of-the-art literature review. Information Systems Frontiers, 1-23.

Kumar, B., Sharma, A., Vatavwala, S., & Kumar, P. (2020). Digital mediation in business-to-business marketing: A bibliometric analysis. Industrial Marketing Management85, 126-140.

Pedersen, C. L., Ritter, T., & Di Benedetto, C. A. (2020). Managing through a crisis: Managerial implications for business-to-business firms. Industrial Marketing Management88, 314.

Qiao, W., & Yin, X. (2021). Understanding the impact on energy transition of consumer behavior and enterprise decisions through evolutionary game analysis. Sustainable Production and Consumption28, 231-240.

Ritter, T., & Pedersen, C. L. (2020). Digitization capability and the digitalization of business models in business-to-business firms: Past, present, and future. Industrial Marketing Management86, 180-190.

Saura, J. R., Reyes-Menendez, A., de Matos, N., Correia, M. B., & Palos-Sanchez, P. (2020). Consumer behavior in the digital age. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics8(3), 190-196.

Sivarajah, U., Irani, Z., Gupta, S., & Mahroof, K. (2020). Role of big data and social media analytics for business to business sustainability: A participatory web context. Industrial Marketing Management86, 163-179.